Too distracted by the bewilderment of being out in the open world, you could not register that you needed to struggle as your father strapped you into the backseat of a vehicle.
With one glance, he slammed the door, making you flinch out of your trance.

"W-Where we go?" You squeaked out as your father got into the drivers seat.

Your mother, who occupied the drivers seat, said something that you couldn't hear to your father. And with that, the car began moving. In confusion, you looked out the window. You were going faster then you had ever gone. It scared you.
As you watched the buildings and trees blur past, you realised it wasn't just outside that was spinning. It was everything. You couldn't comprehend what was even in front of you. Attempting to open your mouth to call for help, all you could hear exit was a incomprehensible mumble as your vision faded to black.

The first thing you saw was trees. Extending farther than you had ever seen. What was this place?
Then there was a little, brunette girl beside you, her soft hand in yours. But why was she so small? Or was it you who was big?
Turning your head, you caught your reflection in a puddle as you slowly walked by. With (E/C) eyes, you examined your face, stopping. Was that really you? You looked so much... older. Eventually, the little girl tugged you back into motion. She was leading you somewhere.
And before you could know where, you began to resurface to consciousness to the sound of people talking.

"Is she awake?" A female voice said. Your mother.

"Nah, that stuff knocked her out clean," Your father responded, and you felt yourself being set down on something crunchy and damp.

"We could just leave her at the church..."

"And what? Get her traced back to us? Look at her. They'll get our asses for child neglect. Then who will raise him, huh?" Your father snapped back, then sighed, "this is the only way. We can't handle her and him."

"'re right. Let's go, before she wakes up."

And with that, you heard leaves crunching quickly, then the distant sound of car doors slamming and tires screeching away. Then nothing but the wind.

It was dark. And cold. And wet. And now you were alone.

Finally able to open your eyes, all you saw was darkness. Unable to move your body from whatever drugs had been put into you, all you could do was lay there, waiting for the numbness in your limbs to fade  as panicked tears ran down your face.

Eventually your eyes adjusted, and you could see the branches move with the cold wind, illuminated by the large moon. Managing to sit up, you scrambled to your feet, feeling like your body was a magnet being yanked to the ground.

Your lack of vocabulary couldn't put a sentence together to describe your anguish at being abandoned, all you could do was call helplessly after them, hoping they would turn and come back for you.
Maybe, as they were leaving you, they realised that they had loved you the entire time, and would come back and scoop you into their arms, finally ready to love you the way you loved them.

But as you dragged yourself around the cold, dark forest, not even sure which way you were going, you realised that was not going to happen.

The temperature was getting to you now, your teeth chattering so much that you couldn't even call out any longer. You trudged on, legs still jelly-like from the drugs, until it felt like they were going to fall off.
Eventually, you spotted something in the distance. Through your teary eyes, you realised it was a house, but not like one you had seen before.
Dashing towards it as much as your legs allowed, you clamoured up the porch and to the door.

Unaware of social norms, you opened the door and shut yourself inside, grateful for the four walls now blocking the harsh wind from your skin.
As you took a look around, you realised that nobody lived here, and most likely not for a long time. The house was mostly made out of wood planks and brick, the floor covered with old, moth-bitten rugs.
To your left, there was a room which was empty except for a broken bed frame and a dresser. And to your right was a small room with a dusty toilet, rusty shower and a sink that had definitely seen days better than this.
Curiously, you walked ahead and found yourself in a small room that was half a kitchen, and half an empty space, which only held an armchair.
The kitchen was rid of all appliances, a jagged, messy space left where the stove had been ripped off the wall and stolen. The sink was no better then the one in the bathroom, a grime line halfway up the basin, reminiscent of a sink full of groggy water that had since drained away. The cupboards were all empty, scarce for one that had a huge spider in it that you quickly slammed shut.

Unsure of where the owner was, if there even was one, you wandered towards the armchair, which wasn't as bad as the rest of the place. The fabric was worn and definitely loved, however didn't seem too grimy.

Clamouring onto it, you curled yourself into a ball, sniffling to yourself as you wondered how you ended up in this situation, and what you were going to do without someone to care for you.

You truly were alone.

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