Chapter 7 - Troll Supper

Start from the beginning

"And what of the Hobbit?" Thorin asked as he scowled at the three.

"Uh... well, Bilbo bravely offered his assistance to help the ponies himself. Y-you know, what with him being an expert burglar and all?" Kili lied through his teeth as he uncomfortably rubbed the back of his neck. Anaynah silently scoffed at the Dwarf's cheek.

"You're telling me you left the half-ling alone with a mountain Troll?" Thorin's anger grew as he took a step forward, staring down his youngest nephew.

"Well..." Anaynah began nervously, Thorin snapped his head in her direction, getting more aggravated by the second, "More like three."


The Company ran with haste through the woods, ready to rescue the poor Hobbit who should never have had to be in this situation.

Anaynah's dread grew with every passing moment, running as fast as her legs could take her. With her and Kili in the lead, they could now see the light where the Trolls had made camp.

They rushed towards the fire bursting through the trees to see the sight of the three Trolls, and Bilbo in the air hanging by his feet. Kili lunged forward and slashed one of the Troll's legs with his blade making him squeal out in pain.

"Drop him!" the young prince commanded fearlessly as he twirled his weapon.

"You what?" said the Troll that held Bilbo with a look of disgust.

"I said, drop him." Kill repeated sternly. Anaynah too emerged from the trees and came to Kili's side, her bow loaded and ready to go.

"You would do well to listen to him."

The Troll snarled before he tossed the Hobbit, sending him flying through the air into Kili who managed to catch him, both tumbling into the grass with a thud.

Anaynah immediately released her arrow, sending it straight into the Troll's hand that threw Bilbo.

With a rallying cry, Thorin and the rest of the Company burst through the trees, charging at the Trolls with their weapons drawn. Anaynah released another arrow, lodging it in the shoulder of the Troll making him growl in pain.
The Dwarves engaged in battle with the Trolls. The Ranger continued to release arrows, each one hitting its mark but barely doing much damage apart from sending them stumbling.

Sounds of metal clanking sounded through the trees, roars and battle cries.
One final arrow was sent into the back of the largest Troll's neck, to her shock however he turned around and in a swift motion, grabbed her legs flipping her upside down as she was suspended in the air.

"Anaynah!" Dwalin called out in worry as he began to charge at the Troll, only to be kicked away into the ground. Thorin's head snapped in her way as he too watched the scene unfold.
She cried out in fear as her world was flipped upside down. The beast growled as he tightened his grip around her legs. With a grunt, Anaynah grabbed the hilt of her sword, managing to pull it out of its sheath. She hacked at the Troll's arm that gripped her. As the Troll roared out in pain, he released his grip on her, not before he flung her in the direction of the flame
causing her to fall straight across the blaze below her.

"NO!" Thorin cried out as he tried to push towards her, horrified to look upon the sight of her scorched skin. However, Anaynah rolled right across the pit and stood up, groaning in pain before she stood up and rejoined the fight.
Not a single burn.

The fight was not to last much longer. The Dwarves came together to see a horrifying sight. Bilbo was once again being held in by two of the Trolls, each of his limbs in their hands.

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