~ Chapter 4 ~

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Elsewhere outside of Middle Earth - Dragonstone Westeros

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Elsewhere outside of Middle Earth - Dragonstone Westeros

"What do you mean there is no sign of her?! She rides a Dragon! Where is my daughter?!" an angry female's voice yelled out from across the table.

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen paces back and forth angrily, two guards from the other side of the table were holding their helmets with their heads bowed. They just informed her of the news, that there has been no sign of the missing Targaryen Princess.

It was two days ago when they noticed the absence of a certain Targaryen child along with her Dragon and personal guard. It was unknown to them on how she disappeared without anyone knowing, it left her mother full of anger and worry, along with her Step-Father and half siblings.

Her brothers know their mother didn't much emotion to Vaenyra and clearly favored them more than her. Yet Vaenyra still loved them and would offend help them with their studies and Dragon Training. Making a close bond between the siblings, so when they heard the news of disappearance they cried softly behind closed doors.

Rhaenyra's second husband/uncle, Daemon stood to the side of her leaning on Dark-Sister with a smirk on his face watching the chaos unfold in front of him.

"I'm sorry Princess, but no one has seen or heard of the Princess and her mount" one guard replied shakily.

"Nor has anyone seen her guard Ser Taerion, his quarters have also been stripped of personal belongings, if anything he is with the Princess" the second guard stated nervously.

Princess Rhaenyra glared at them harshly, with so much fire in her eyes. It was almost like there was a real dragon looking down at them.

"Leave now if you value your lives" she yelled clearly pissed off, the two guards quickly bowed and ran out of the room.

Daemon continue to smirk in amusement as Rhaenyra's sons flinched at the tone of her voice.

"Where could she possibly gone?! She is the future Queen to the Iron Throne, she would have Jacaerys at her side as loyal husband and King, and she would have everything at her will and command! I don't understand why she would've disappeared here and now!" Rhaenyra stated pacing once more.

"Maybe..... Mother the reason she left was because of you......you didn't love her" Lucerys her second youngest son spoke up shakily his voice full of fear.

Rhaenyra paused at looked at her son with slight confusion, before it suddenly hit her hard in both her mind & heart.

Flashbacks from the beginning, to when Vaenyra was just born. How her innocent babe looked up to her with sparking amethyst eyes and toothless smile.

To when an five year old Vaenyra looking over the crib that held her newly born baby brother Jacaerys with a shining smile, eyes full of wonder and love.

Throughout of the years of Vaenyra growing up, Vaenyra would present Rhaenyra with a new dress, jewellery and drawings made by her own hand. And how.... How she would turn her daughter away throwing her gifts to the ground... never complimenting on her good work.

She didn't raise her.... She could remember little Vaenyra coming up to her with her doll in hand asking if Rhaenyra could plait her hair or read her a story to sleep to.... Rhaenyra would always turn her away stating she was busy.

Rhaenyra never cared to ask about Vaenyra's day when the family would sit together for dinner.... Rhaenyra actually couldn't recall the last time she saw Vaenyra at dinner with them.

She always ignored her.... She was a cruel mother...... tears started to fall down her face as the realization hits her like flames of an dragon pouring down on her.

She never cared for her daughter and this has finally cause her to leave them, Rhaenyra a woman who is known for caring so much for her children more than life itself. Failed to care for her only daughter.

And the question she couldn't answer was why? Why did she push her away like that? It almost felt like she wasn't herself? Like something inside her would always change her thoughts about Vaenyra.

"You pushed her away my love... You didn't see the Dragoness in front of you until it was too late. She has now spread her wings and left the nest to explore the world like a free dragon would" Daemon stated coming up behind her to pull her into a hug.

Her two sons, Jacaerys & Lucerys watched with sad filled eyes as their mother broke down in their step-father's arms.

"I did this... I did this Daemon, I'm such a horrid mother. What mother pushes her daughter away like that?!" Rhaenyra cried out.

Sobbing as she fell to her knees taking Daemon with her as he tried to console her, hushing her quietly whispering words in Valyrian.

Unknown to all in the room, a figure hidden in the shadows with ember glowing eyes filled with darkness watched them from the corner of the room. He smirks in delight at the heartbroken mother before him. His plan worked, all those years of placing enchantments on Rhaenyra Targaryen to push away her daughter has finally payed off.

Her daughter was now in Middle Earth, well within his reach now, he knows for certain that she is there. Ever now he can sense her magic and her blood calls to him. Begging him to take her and turned her fae into darkness. But he knows that the fruit isn't ripe yet he will have to wait a little longer for her to grow.

"Thank you Rhaenyra Targaryen, you have given me the weapon I need to finally take over Middle Earth. Such a shame to see the Old Queen's blood fall so low" He mocked laughing as he disappeared into the shadows.

Leaving the grieving Targaryens behind, who couldn't see the black spell fade off Rhaenyra like black sand drifting into the air before disappearing completely.

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