~ Chapter 3 ~

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~Still Vaenyra's POV~

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~Still Vaenyra's POV~

While we waited for Cymopoleia to awaken, Taerion went off checking all our supplies and belongings we brought with us. Much to my relief the dragon eggs and the treasures we brought from Dragonstone were all in perfect condition and were in a pile not far from Cymopoleia wrapped in the fishing net.

I was sitting not far more Cymopoleia on top of a log, holding the Valyrian Steel Sword in my hands, I should think of a name for it since all Valyrian Steel swords have names, being as they are so rare to have as the art of forging Valyrian Steel was lost long ago.

I was taken from my thoughts when I heard Cymopoleia growled softly, she slowly stood up shaking her body. I tied the sword to my waist and ran over to her, Taerion joining me.

Her blue-grey eyes opened and made contract with my amethyst ones, I smiled and hug her snout in relief that she was ok and awake now.

"Cymopoleia! I was so worried, I feared you wouldn't awake" I cried out rubbing her scales.

"(Laughs) I'm ok Little Flame, I just needed rest" she replied....

I pulled away and gasp in shock with Taerion....Cymopoleia spoke out loud....she can talk now?

"Did she just...just talked? Out loud?" Taerion asked not believing his ears.

She looked confused at us, titling her head to the side.

"Um Cymopoleia...say something again please?" I asked her softly

"Little Flame?" she responded...out loud again.

"This must be the changes those Gods mention earlier" Taerion summarized crossing his arms over.

"That's...that's amazing! She talk just like we do and I just notice her scales! They feel different much stronger than before" I exclaimed smiling happily.

"What Gods?" Cymopoleia asked us very confused now.

I quickly informed her all of the events that happen while she was asleep. At the end she nodded and accepted the new knowledge.

"Are we going to this Rivendell?" she asked after a moment of silence.

"Our Princess has already decided on that, once you awaken we will pack up and follow the map those Gods gave us to find this Rivendell where a 'Lord Elrond' is awaiting us" Taerion replied, then he shook his head walking away muttering under his breath 'I'm talking to a dragon. That's going to take some time to get used to'

"While you were asleep we checked all the chests and supplies and thankfully none fell out of the net during the storm and everything is accounted for. Taerion also rearrange it all ready for you to grab" I explained pointing to the pile of chests in the net.

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