Day 37

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  The eight of them were in the van by 8:30 am. Chan and Jeongin in the two front seats, Minho, Seungmin, and the three cats in the other two and the others sat in the back, either chatting, organizing, or sleeping. Even though the twin-sized air mattress was small, is was quite comfortable to Hyunjin. Ever since yesterday, the ex-patient had been very down and upset. It was worrying.

  "Hey guys..." Felix called out to the two that were talking to each other, then stopped and looked towards Felix in curiosity, "What's wrong with Hyunjin?"

  Both of the two froze up. Instantly, their body's sunk into a certain sadness as they both shifted uncomfortably at the question. Jisung but the inside of his cheek.

  "We shouldn't talk about it..." Changbin told him gently. "It's... A soft spot for all of us, really."

  The squirrel-like man nodded, looking down, "All I will say is that he'll probably be down for the rest of the week. He needs is comfort, cuddles, and attention unless he tells you to go away. Don't try to pry anything out of him."

  "Okay then..."

  The three went silent.

  Up at the front, Minho remembered something but was hesitant to bring it up. He glanced back at Felix before looking at Jeongin and Seungmin. The oldest doctor quietly tapped his foot onto the ground, contimplating whether to say it or not.

  "I swear to God I melted at Wooyoung's visual- Minho Hyung, are you even listening?" Seungmin asked abruptly, noticing the oldest wasn't asking any uneducated kpop questions, "Hyung, you look tense."

  "Do you remember when all four of us went out for dinner at that one nice restaurant?" He inquired randomly, looking at Jeongin and Seungmin.

  The youngest laughed, "Yeah, you mean when we made you pay even though you got two things? Of course I remember it!"

  "Felix brought up that he had two sisters both went missing right?" He asked again.

  "What are you hitting at?" Seungmin cautiously asked.

  "I'm not accusing Changbin's dad of anything, but what if it's connected?"

  The three went silent as Chan slammed on the breaks of the car, "Felix has sisters?!"

  "What about my sisters..?" A loud voice from the back made the four look back. A hurt look was on the pink haired man's face as he looked at the four at the front.

  "You have. two. sisters that went missing?" The oldest in the car questioned, not regarding sensitivity. The two ex-patients looked at Felix in shock.

  "Yes... Why are we bringing them up...?" His face showed a small look of suffering as he bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes gain a bit of water.

  "We're their names Olivia and Rachel and did they go missing four to six years ago?" Changbin began to piece together things

  "Yes.... How do you know about them?"

  "Fuck..." The man stood up and looked at Jeongin, "Jeongin, move. The youngest quickly got up and sat with Minho's cats. Changbin sat next to Chan and began typing something into his phone. "Drive."

  "What the hell is going on?!"

  An arm wrapped around Felix's waist, pulling him close, "Your sisters are working with Changbin's dad."



  Hyunjin was holding onto the severally shocked, yet upset Felix, restraining him from standing up. The man was trying to get someone's phone to call his mother. He was also contemplating finding Changbin's dad to see his sisters. Finally, he stopped struggling, but he began to cry. It's been around an hour and he hadn't stopped til now.

  "Fuck you, Hyunjin, let me go... P-please just let me go..." He whispered into the ex-patients shoulder, "I'm begging you... Just let me go...."

  Hugging Felix tightly, he shook his head, "Any contact with your mother can lead traces to where we are. I'm sure by now Changbin's dad knows about you and everyone and everythings that you done or been in contact with."

  Felix cried hard, "T-they know where my m-mom is..?"

  "Felixie, don't worry about your mom, we sent some of Changbin's closest and strongest men to protect you mother. I didn't exactly explain, but as far as your mother knows, they are friends of yours and asked to stay for a bit." Jisung explained soothingly.

  "..." The pink-haired doctor sat silently and cried into Hyunjin's shoulder.

  He knew his sisters were alive. They disappeared right after a huge argument with mom. Eventually, they led to believe they were dead. A year later, Felix's dad passed. He knew it was connected one way or another. His dad was a great guy, very quiet and reserved. No one had any reason to kill him... Unless...


They wouldn't.

They couldn't.

They loved Felix more than anything...





Plot twisttttt.

I would never leave out the two legendary sisters.

Btw, the people Changbin's dad killed are Jisung's mom, Chan's sister (his sister was abusive towards him ((sorry Hannah I luv u))), Changbin's own brother, Hyunjin's parents, Hyunjin's brother, Hyunjin's dog, and maybe a few others in the list who knows~

Peace out my friends)

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