Day 2

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Entering the build at 8 o' clock sharp, Felix clocked in and headed to the staff room. Each member of the facility recieved a locker for personal belongings and had a white coat, a bucket for snacks, and tissues already there. On the outside was the clipboard for Felix.

He grabbed a granola bar then his clipboard, seeing only Hyunjin's paper on the list, as expected. Taking a bite, he changed his shoes to his boots he brought so he could look taller. After standing next to Hyunjin, he felt extremely short.

Finishing his snack, he threw away his trash, grabbed the nessicary pils and a plastic water bottle. Then he began his journey to his patients room.

Hyunjin really isn't angry. He's just scared and has the fight or die instinct. From what I can tell so far is that he is always on guard. Felix thought, reminding himself of the video he watched before he was hired.

Rounding the last corner nessicary, and stepped up the the door. Gently, Felix knocked on the door just as he did yesterday. Just as there was no response he sighed.

"Hwang-ssi?" He asked out loud, getting slight stares from the doctors around. "I'm going to come in if that's alright." Opening the door, he entered, shutting the door behind him softly. "Hwang-ssi, are you awake?" He inquired
Suddenly from nowhere, Hyunjin appears on his bed, eyes darting at the door.

"Oh... sorry. It is quiet early, I hope I didn't wake you." The brunette stayed silent, his eyes no longer darting at Felix but now looking at him in fear. "Do you want to take your medicine now or should I come back later?"

"P-please.... leave..." the brunette whispered. As understanding as he could be, Felix nodded and left the room, respecting the patient's fright.


A lot of hours later, another knock patted against the door. "Hwang-ssi, I'm coming in again." The door opened.

The brunette was sitting down, on edge. His face was solid. Felix gave a relaxed grin. "Good Morning Hwang-ssi! It's Felix again. How are you?"

The man stood up and walked up towards Felix. "What game are you playing..?" He interrogated in a deep, rough tone.

"No game. I'm just trying to befriend you." He explained with a light breath. Hyunjin's face hardened and his fists clenched at his side. Eyes bared into his, yet the doctor didn't give much of a reaction. The patients eyes broke contact and studied hisbhody movement. Felix was indeed intimidated, just hid it well. "Anywho, it's almost time for me to clock out so I'll see you tomorrow Hwang-ssi."

Just before the doctor could turn around the patient moved rapidly. Hyunjin grabbed Felix by the collar, his eyes in rage. A shiver rolled up his spine. It was quiet before the brunette threw him to the floor and walked away.

"You really like to do that don't you..?" He mumbled to himself before scrambling up to his feet and collecting his things. "Goodbye Hwang-ssi."


Waking up from a nap, Hyunjin bolted out of bed, a terrified look in his eyes. Booming sounds of Gunshots played in his ears. His hands covered his ears as he frantically searched around the room, frightened.

They're coming for me... They're coming for me... They're coming for me... They're coming for me... his thought repeated in an endless panic.

Eyes welling up with tears, he sat down on the floor, crawling up into a ball as he silently repeated the words while rocking back in forth. His hands were balled into his hair, tightly pulling at his head. Tense, he held his body in the fetal postion, rocking back and forth, scared.

"They're coming for me... They're coming for me... They're coming for me... They're coming for me.." his voice broke out into sobs as he covered his ears. He screamed out in agony, flinching his eyes shut as he cried out. His mind remembered his brother's lifeless body on the day he died.

' "Su-uminie..." Hyunjin eyes bore down at his younger brothers pale face. His knees felt weak as his body trembled him fear. Kneeling down, he took his brother into his arms, holding him tightly as blood came out of his head, dripping into Hyunjin. The young thirteen-year-old had brusies outlining his face. His gray hoodie was covered in a deep red liquid while scratch mark all over him.

Hwang Sumin was dead.

But how...?

And why...?

"Do-n't leav-leave me..." He sobbed. In fear, he looked down around himself before seeing thousands of eyes staring at him. He screamed in fear before setting his brother down and running off, afraid of what could happen to himself next.

He ran and ran, having to idea where he was going but all he heard were laughs and laughs. Gunshots rang through his eats as he finally couldn't take it. Hyunjin fell the the ground, scraping his knees as he clutched his hands onto the concrete. His head sat on the concrete, not raising it. He was scared.

"Ahjussi? Are you alright?" A girl's voice called. It was supposed to sound helpful but Hyunjin heard it as a test. He rose his head, looking up at the person who smiled gently at him. His tears streamed down his face as he slowly stood up, ignoring the stinging blood coming out of his knee. He looked to his side where a piece of scrap metal laid in the alleyway. The girl stood there waiting for an answer.

Warily, he looked over to the metal and picked it up. The girl's eyes widened.

"Make it stop...." He pleaded silently as he raised it to harm himself the girl grabbed his hand and tried to stop him.

"Ahjussi! Please don't harm yourself!" She panicked. Hyunjin's eyes inflamed in a tough raged and he hit the woman as hard as he could with the metal, upset with her for trying to stop him. The girl cried out in pain. But Hyunjin didn't feel any remorse. He slammed the metal onto the woman and repeatedly hit her until the wounds went away.

After the sounds disappeared, he threw the metal away and looked down at the now dispersed lady. The blood splattered on his clothes caused a realization to come over him. His eyes grew open in shock while himself. More tears fled from his eyes.

"What have I done..."

He sprinted as fast as he could out the the alleyway and far out of the city, the panic settling in his body. He cried for hours and hours and hours, the flow of tears never ending. His body trembled in the dark night, fright and sadness the only things he felt. The only other emotion he felt was disgust, with himself. Nobody will ever understand how disgusting he felt. How badly he wanted to die. How horrible he was. How really fucked up he was.'

His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now