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  "PATIENT 4986-546 HAS HARMED DR. JUNGSAN!!!" Cried a security guard on the radio, before a cry of pain cut in the radio. The walkie-talkie let out a long static noise, as it was thrown into the wall. "Fuck!"

  A man punched and punched the security guard as the man below him tried to taze him. The stronger grabbed the tazer, placed on his head and tazed him, not stopping. There was a group of security guards standing in the hallways but they all retreated, except for one who hit the patient on the back of the head. The patient kicked the guards leg, pointing the tazer at him.

  "Bat." He demanded, standing up and extending his hand with the tazer in his hand. Blood was all over his white clothes, and his face had a sharp bruise of the cheek. "NOW!!!" The guard quickly handed it over, completely terrified, and crawled into a ball.

  The patient looked at how scared he was, mercy was not anywhere shown in his face. He slammed the bat down, right into the guards leg, causing a scream of agony. The scream was ear deafening, but the patient didn't seem to listen and just hit the man with the bat, blood pouring out of his body and all over the clothes of the man. With the bat in his hand, he seemed to be trembling.

  "You can't fucking hurt me. I won't die you bastards." He called out, holding the bat close to himself, banging it loudly into the dead guard.

He glanced all around the hallways, looking any signs of people. Picked up the tazer from the ground, since he dropped it before he stood pointed it up as if someone was there trying to hurt him. It was clear he was terrified. His arms were shaking and his eyes were red from tears.

  The sight of a camera came into the man's vision and he quickly moved over to it. He positioned the bat and slammed it straight into the camera, shattering it in one blow.

  "And that's what you're willing to deal with?" A man with a white suit on, looking rather shocked at the blonde boy in front of him, who seemed quite tense after watching that video. He fidgeted with a pen, twirling its around his finger smoothly while he gave a soft nod. He pursed his lips, leaning back. Then he took a small breath, looking at the screen, to the manager in front of him with his chocolatety brown eyes.

  "I guess so." He said, curling his lips into a soft, yet uneasy smile. The man's face brightened as he threw open the drawer to his desk and handing him a few papers.

  "Perfect! Now you need to sign all of these papers." Nodding, Lee Felix began to read right through them, thoroughly reading each paper. The man watched him expectantly, arms crossed, leaned back, a nervous smile on his face.

  The blonde looked up at him with amusement, "Unpaid overtime?" He questioned, checking to see if it was right. The man nodded curtly.

  Felix picked up the pen, and wrote his name along each paper before handing it back. A satisfied look was on the manager's as he reached out to shake hands with Felix's. The touch was cold, as he was forced to stay in the extremely cold asylum.

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