Day 4

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  Yesterday, Felix left immediately, but left his granola bar and the water by the door before he took the clipboard and the pen. Can't leave any things that could be a potential danger to the patient or the caregiver. But he was really concerned because once he shut the door, he heard really loud crying. He had no idea if Hyunjin was okay.

  The real problem was how to find out if he was okay. If Felix couldn't get within a 4 foot radius without scaring him to death, how was thing supposed to work.

  He checked the patient paper before sighed and putting his boots on again. With his morning snack and his usual items, he began down the hall. Now, more employees greeted him with a simple hello, but that was all he got. It's not surprising to him in the slightest.

  With an easy guess, he assumed calling Hyunjin formally was a trigger to him, especially when he was in this level of paranoia. On the paper it said only paranoia, not any specific type. But it seemed like schizophrenic paranoia, where he delusions his fear to an extreme extent. However, this isn't the worst part, it's the fact that it involves psychosis, which makes sensefor Hyunjin's history. This disorder has no specific cause, but commonly comes from traumatic events or situations as in a gruesome death, witnessing something traumatic, or partaking in the event. Nowadays, it's more rare to get since Korean laws have become more strict and has become more safe.

  Felix was still eating his snack when he knocked on the door of Hyunjin's room, his knocks purposefully much softer than before. No response per usual.

  Gently, he slowly opened the door, slipped in the room, and shut the door. He instantly made eye contact to Hyunjin, who stood right in front of him, his eyes red and his hand holding the packages granola from the day before. The patient held it towards Felix as if it was a weapon, a unsure strength in his determined face.

  "Why do you keep coming here?" He demanded, holding the bar to Felix's throat as the doctor gave a sweet grin at him.

  "Hyunjin-ssi, I have no desire to harm you. All I come to do is check on you everyday. What's so wrong with that?" Felix eased, trying his best to not look at his supposed 'weapon'.

  "Lots." He moves the snack away from Felix's neck and walked backwards keeping a steady eye on the doctor. "Stop coming here and go away."

  Looking away from Hyunjin, he shook his head before bending down to set his clipboard down. "Would you like me to open the granola bar for you?" He asked gently.

  An embarrassed look came upon the patients face before he looked at the thing in his hands and opened it himself. He took a bite before looking at Felix again. A serene look came upon the blonde's face as he was about to open the water in his hand.

  "Do you want to drink the water or can I drink it?"

  His eyes narrowed as he didn't respond. A sweet smile was on Felix's face before he opened the lid and took a gulp of the water, waterfalling it from the bottle. Suddenly, the open bottle was snatched out of his hands. As he expected, Hyynjun drank the water before giving the bottle back to Felix. His black eyes darted at the doctor in a way some would think is full of hate and rage, but Felix could see indifference and fright.

  "Why are you..." the patient locked eyes with Felix. "so differnet...?"

  "Differnet how?" He asked genuinely, his smile dropping as he looked disappointed in himself. His head cocked to the side as worry presented on his face.

  The patient looked at the man in fear as he backed away. "I-I... didn't mean it- please don't- don't-" He stopped and started shaking looking at the blonde in terror. "I'm sorry please forgiv-"

  "Hyunjin-ssi, it's alright. I don't take any offense to it. I know it was a true question." The doctor reassured, catching the other offguard. "I'm guessing you aren't in the best mindset right now."

  Hyunjin suddenly stopped walking backwards and widened his eyes. His arm extended as if he had something in his hands as he glared at the man. His mood swings were fast and unpredictable.


  "Alright. Just finish your granola bar and I'll stop by to collect the trash later, okay?"


  Nodding, the doctor turned on his heel beng down and grabbed his clipboard. His eyes scanned the papers before he stood back up. He faced the patient quickly, bowing before opening the door and leaving.


As expected, the blonde did exact as he said. Maybe an hour or so later, he came back. He knocked again.

  "Hyunjin-ssi, I'm here for the trash." He opened the door to see waterbottles and tge plastic to the granola bar by the door. He grabbed all of the tradh before looking over  at the patient, expecting him to be throwing mentally daggers at him. Instead, he was on his bed, seemingly asleep.

  With a small grin, Felix shut the door, leaving the boy to his rest.

His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now