Day 34

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  Those flashback weren't the end of the trauma, though it was only part, the story must go on.

  The pink haired man was sat in the passengers seat once again as Felix drove them farther away from were they were in Seoul. Hyunjin, this time, was bit more calm, half because Felix was holding his hand, the other half because he was drinking a milkshake. It's been a long time since he had one.

  "Thank you Felixie." He politely said, looking at him kindly. The other pink haired man nodded, keeping his eyes in the road.

  "Are you feeling better than yesterday?" He asked, looking at him for a moment before back on the road.

  The man hummed, "Yeah," his eyes drifted down to the hand holding his, "A lot better."

  "Good. What about your sleep? Any nightmares? If you did have any you don't need to talk about it." He explained reassuringly.

  "Partly... It...- it wasn't the worst nightmare I've ever had." He told him, eyes still glued to the hand in his, making a small grin creep up his face. "I think I feel better now."

  "you sure it isn't because of the milkshake?" He joked, glancing at Hyunjin sweetly.

  The older responded with a laugh. This made Felix's worry go away for now, his eyes focused on the road as he pulled his hand away from Hyunjin and to the wheel. The doctor was oblivious to the change of posture and they way his eyes drifted over to Felix's face, his eyes full of disappointment. His hand grabbed Felix's wrist for a second.

  The man turned his head to look at Hyunjin, who had a small look of desperation in his deep, attractive eyes. "What's wrong?"

  "You still can't see it... Can you?" He whispered out, his heart pounding louder than ever before. His eyes looked Felix up and down, watching as he body language showed clear confusion. Hyunjin bit his lip and pulled his hand back, his eyes turning to the window as short tears formed in his eyes.

  "Hyunjin-ah... What don't I see?"

  "It's... nothing, could we find a place to stay for the night. It's almost 5:00pm, we've driven far enough." He said simply, swallowing hard. His heart beat still speeding in his chest.

  "Did I do something wrong?-"

  "Please, just drive."

  With a look of concern, Felix's grip tightened on the wheel, as he frowned, licking his dry lips before looking back at the highway. He sighed, his eyes retreating back the the pink haired man next to him continuously, worrying about him doubtlessly.


  Hyunjin sat in the open bed, eyes glued to the phone screen as Felix was deep in thought. He sat next to Hyunjin, eye closed and head leaned back in the wall. Sometime inside of him made his stomach turn in an unsettling way. He felt nervous and had no idea why.

  What was he feeling? Why did it feel so oddly good?

  Felix opened his eyes and turned to look over at Hyunjin who had tear stains in his face. The doctor's face turned into a serious, anxious face.

  "Hyunjinie, are you crying?" He inquired with a tender and quiet voice. The ex-patient removed his eyes from the screen and looked at Felix, eyes burning into his head.

  "What do you think?" He remarked as another tear rolled down his face. The doctor scoot forward and wiping Hyunjin's tear, but the man pulled away, "Don't... Don't do stuff like that..."

  "What is wrong with you? Have you been having paranoia again?" He pressed gently.

  Inhaling sharply, Hyunjin stood from the bed, "Stop. Stop it. I-I can't..." His eyes watered more as he saw the odd look on his face, "You don't even know how you make me feel.... You can't understand... It hurts... so much... And yet you can see it..." He sniffled.

  "Hyunjin-ah..." He whispered out, "Please tell me what I did. I don't understand what I did wrong, so please tell me."

  "That's the problem. You never do anything wrong... You... You're perfect... Fuck..." He breathed in before more tears flooded down his face, Felix moved forwards, but Hyunjin pushed him back, "Felix, I love you! I've loved you since they say you brought me extra snacks. You make me crazy... I can't even think properly anymore. You do everything right. You do such nice things for me and be a lovey and then you don't fucking see it. Can't you see how I look at you? Fuck, Felix, are you that naive?!"

  The pink haired man's jaw dropped, "I-its only been barely a month since I've met you..."

  "I know that! Fuck, I even counted the days." His eyes looked down at the ground, "You make me so mad, yet I don't think I can separate myself from you anymore."

  The next thing you know, Felix was kissing Hyunjin.


  Just a lil side note that the book is supposed to be Hyunjin POV, all of the times it was Felix's pov was stories that Hyunjin heard from Felix, or just something he saw or watched a video abt.)

His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now