Day 32

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  Felix walked into the familiar scene of frantic doctors with terrified looks on their faces, aiding others that were harmed. Loud, frantic and worried sounds filled the hospital as everyone ran around and avoided Felix as much as possible.The doctor was very concerned as he walked down the hallways of the hospital, the scent of blood engulfing the messy, gorey hallway. As he reached deeper and deeper, he passed multiple corpses, each killed in a brutal and horrid way. He heard the panic of doctors behind the glass front doors settle, leaving Felix to the underwhelming silence of the currently dangerous hospital.

  A shiver rolled down his spine as soft, slow footsteps synched behind him causing his pace to stop. The blonde turned around slowly as he saw a frowning Hyunjin, crossing his arms with blood dripping down his shirt.

  "Is everything alright?"

  "Hyunjin-ah... you- you're a mess..."

  The patient smoothly smiled, stepping forward and grabbing his hand, "It was for you silly. Don't worry about them." Felix pulled his hand away, seeing the red that now stained his hand. He looked at the brunette as he grabbed Felix's hand once more, his grip hard, "We don't need them... just relax... we'll be happy in our one bedroom apartment with our lovely cat and four children! Forever we'll be-"

  "What the fuc-"

  Hyunjin shushed him, "It's okay Felixie~"

  The doctor yanked his body away and stepped back. "What's wrong with you? You're acting weird-"

  Hyunjin grabbed Felix's hand again, "If you can't accept how I act... that's a big problem."

  "Okay, you're definitely creeping me out." The blonde stated said, pulled away from Hyujin again and stepping a few more steps back. "Let's just go back to the room so that way we can all chill out and you don't get arrested-"

  "Awe! We were just getting to the beat part!~" Hyunjin said with a dire grin.

  "No. Hyunjin-ah come on. You won't get in trouble if you go ba-"

  "I'M NOT GOUNG BACK!!!" Hyunjin walked closer to Felix, "There is nothing on thus planet that I'll make me go back to being treated like shit, eating fucking slop everyday, and taking fucking pills that make me go to sleep. If you try to make me.... we have a bit of an issue..."

  The lights flickered and reflected off of something shiny. Hyunjin twirled the object in his hand, again the lights ficking on it, glistening into Felix's eye. A small gasp made the doctor step away.

  "A knife... Hyunjin-ah... where did you get that...." He whispered gently, taking another cautious step backwards. The flickered happened again, revealing the strong, sadistic smirk he wore on his face.

  With a sharp movement, he lunged at Felix, causing the younger to bolt down the hallway and take a fast left. The loud footsteps behind him made his ears ring. He took a right, then a left, then a right, then another right, then a left.... soon he was alone. The man instantly crouched underneath a desk, his breath quick and fearful.

  Almost exactly after, the door shot open. His footsteps searched the room for a bit with a hasty pace before it stopped. A small laugh erupted from him. Slowly, it turned maniacal and he was laughing out of pure insanity.

His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now