Day 49

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  Hyunjin has been sleeping for majority of the time after the disagreement between the two. Of course Felix realized Jisung couldn't control what he was saying and felt bad. But at the time, he was angry, sad, scared... And when he saw the way Hyunjin reacted to a singular name, he was instantly defensive. There were times were the patients got like this, and it was better for them to work it out on their own, but Felix felt horrible and it wouldn't leave his mind.

  They sat in the truck as Chan, Jeongin, Jisung, and Minho left to go get stuff form the store knowing what their friends wanted. The other four were either talking for sleeping. Changbin and Felix being the ones talking, Seungmin and Hyunjin asleep.

  "How long have you... know them?" Felix queried, gazing at Changbin. The man thought for a moment, biting his lip.

  "I've known Chan just about since birth. Our families were close.. Then we met... Jisung, when we were in grade school and Hyunjin in high-school." He explained, seeming the concerned look Felix had, looking at Hyunjin, "Ask the real question you want to ask."

  The pink haired man bit his lip, "Do they... do this a lot?"

  "Most definitely. Way back when in third year, those two got into atleast four fist fights and got out of it because of Jisung's dad each time. Maybe thirty-ish loud arguments in class. Even after, they fought. Really, their good friends, its just some times they know how to get under eachother's skin." He sighed, crossing his arms and leaning back onto the wall of the truck, "They'll get over it after a few more days and talk."

  "Does... Jisung usually say stuff like that?"

  "About what? His brother? No. It'll definitely take them longer since Jisung went that far, but im sure they'll resolve it." He eased out.

  Felix nodded, still looking at the sleeping man. The older gazed at Seungmin, smiling gently at they way he held onto the pillow, squeezing the fucking life out of it. And that's his version of cuddling, squeezing the person til they tap out.

  "What about you and the doctors?" He asked, looking back at the other alert one. Felix hummed and actually looked him in the eye.

  "Ah. I actually knew Seungminie before. He was in my high-school and we had the same dance class and the same dream. To be a star." He laughed, "Yeah, we was about to go through with that but my Korean was shit and he quit once they kicked me off. Anyways, I met Jeonginie in college, talked to him once or twice and then Minho Hyung when I started working here."

  The older nodded, listening intently as his eyes slowly traced back to Seungmin, who shifted closer to Changbin, "So you know about the internship that they did their second year?"

  "Mhm. Seungminie and Jeonginie were partners for it. I heard all about it." He responded, seeing how Changbin flinched his hands just thinking about it, "Hey, they said it wasn't all bad. You know how Seungmin lightens the mood. Innie said he almost got them kicked out if the internship."

  Changbin's hand relaxed and he raised his eyebrow, a sudden amused grin on his face, "Of course."

  "That man was a geezer anyways. We don't talk about boomers like him." He played, leaning back onto the wall calmly, "Where do think this flight's gonna take us?"

  "Probably either America or somewhere near the UK."

  "Yeah, most likely." Felix sighed.

  There was a loud noise, which sounded like cars honking. The doctor got up before standing up and moving to the passenger's seat and looking out the window to check if the other's were coming back. Instead, he saw a teenager looking kid running towards the truck. With a confused face, "Hyung, there's a teenager running at the truck..."

  Instantly, the older got up and looked at the person who was now almost at the door. Changbin's mouth opened in complete aghast, covering his mouth with tears filling his eyes, "Fuck, open the door. Open the door!"

  "But who is it?"

  "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!!" He screamed, before pushing Felix out of the way and opening the door himself. The teenager instantly got inside and shut the door behind him. The older was in tears, hugging the boy.

  Now, Hyunjin and Seungmin was awake. Slowly, the pink haired man stirred, groaning.

  "Shut the fuck up Changbin..."

  Hearing his voice, the boy froze, glancing in the direction of the voice.

  "Hyung...?" The teenager whispered out, tears rolling down his face. The back of the truck opened, letting light in which revealed the other four.

  Hyunjin sat up slowly, not recognizing the voice. He sat up, looking at the direction of the person who called him. Suddenly, he froze in shock. Jisung, behind him, stopped breathing.

  "Holy shit..."

  The pink haired ex-patient, slowly stood up in agape, taking small steps towards the person. It was almost like his didn't believe it. As of the person wasn't real.


  "He's alive?!"


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