Chapter 11: Who Are You?

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As they neared the entrance of the guesthouse, a loud voice erupted from behind, "Jianjun, you rascal! Why do you always cause trouble? How did you end up falling into Yuquan River?"

"Sister, don't blame Jianjun. It was Wu Xingwang's son, Wensheng, who fell in. Jianjun tried to save him, but that kid didn't cooperate, so both of them ended up in the water. Hurry, take the child home to change his clothes and give him some ginger soup. Don't let him catch a cold."

Upon hearing that her son had jumped into the water to save someone, Zhang Meilian felt a bit embarrassed. "Son, look at Mom. Alright, Mom was wrong. Let's go, let's go home. Mom will make you some red sugar and egg tea [1]."

After expressing gratitude to everyone, she pulled her son and hurried home.

Initially, Zhao Jianjun appeared unhappy, but upon hearing that his mom would make him red sugar and egg tea, he muttered quietly, "Fine, since you apologized, I forgive you."

Zhang Meilian playfully tapped her second son's head. "You naughty kid, playing tricks on your mom. Saving people is commendable, but you're still too young. You can't be so impulsive in the future. If something really happened, how would your dad and I cope?"

This time, Zhao Jianjun was genuinely frightened. He had played in Yuquan River before, but if it weren't for the sister who rescued them today, things might have taken a turn for the worse.

Reflecting on the older sister who saved them, he looked up at his mom. "Mom, if it wasn't for this big sister who jumped into the water and saved us, something terrible might have occurred. Then, it was Dr. Li who performed something on Wu Wensheng to bring him back to life."

Upon learning that someone had saved her son, Zhang Meilian inquired, "Who saved you?"

Zhao Jianjun shook his head. "I don't know, I've never seen her before."

Zhang Meilian turned around to look back, but the people who had come from the river had already dispersed. Knowing she still had to go to work, she decided to ask around later. "I'll inquire later. I must express my gratitude properly."

Back at the guesthouse, Yu Xinyan took out her spare clothes near the entrance when she overheard voices outside. "Excuse me, which room does Yu Xinyan stay in?"

Hearing someone inquire about her, Yu Xinyan assumed it must be Lu Juncheng and his companions who had arrived. Realizing she couldn't enter the room, she promptly closed the door, changed out of her damp clothes, and just as she was about to place them in the basin, she heard a series of heavy knocks on the door.

But it wasn't just knocking; it was pounding.

Furrowing her brows, Yu Xinyan wondered who could be so insistent. However, when the door swung open, she found herself face to face with Lu Juncheng's sister-in-law, Yao Hui, the woman who always caused trouble.

Yao Hui had initially desired to marry Lü Juncheng, but their mother had vehemently opposed it. Yu Xinyan only discovered later why Yao Hui had treated her so poorly from the beginning. Trying to feign ignorance, she inquired, "Who are you?"

Yao Hui scrutinized Yu Xinyan from head to toe. "You're the one who wants to become my nephews' stepmother?"

Rather than answering directly, Yu Xinyan countered with a question of her own. "What about it?"

Yao Hui's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Let me tell you, my brother-in-law won't like you. You're just a nanny he brought in to take care of the children. Don't get your hopes up."

Yu Xinyan flashed a mysterious smile at Yao Hui. "It appears that you're unwilling to see me marrying Lu Juncheng."

Yao Hui was taken aback by Yu Xinyan's unexpected response. It diverged from her anticipated reactions. Yu Xinyan didn't resort to the typical behavior of rural women—no quarreling or creating a scene. There was no hint of inferiority either. Instead, she astutely saw through Yao Hui's thoughts, effortlessly exposing her true intentions.

(End of Chapter)

[1] "红糖鸡蛋茶" (hóng táng jī dàn chá) is a traditional Chinese beverage known as "red sugar and egg tea." It is a type of sweet tea made with red sugar (or brown sugar), eggs, and hot water. While the concept of adding eggs to tea may sound unusual in some cultures, it is a traditional practice in certain parts of China. The combination of red sugar, eggs, and hot water creates a unique flavor profile that is enjoyed by many people. It's important to note that the eggs are thoroughly beaten and cooked by the hot water, so the resulting beverage is safe to consume.

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