Chapter 9: Rescuing Lives

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The situation was urgent, and Yu Xinyan couldn't afford to think about anything else. She urgently commanded the older children, "Quick, find some long poles."

The few clever kids immediately turned around and followed Yu Xinyan's instructions, searching for poles in all directions.

She then turned to the younger children and said, "Hurry back to the factory and call for the adults to come and help."

After speaking quickly, Yu Xinyan noticed that the young children remained frozen in place. Feeling anxious, she exclaimed, "Why are you just standing there? Hurry up!"

The children, approximately seven or eight years old, stumbled and panicked as they rushed towards the factory.

Luckily, the older children had already found some poles nearby. Yu Xinyan didn't have time to question their origin. She extended the poles towards the two struggling children in the water and reassured them, "Don't be afraid, grab onto the pole, and I'll pull you up."

However, even after extending the pole, it fell short. Yu Xinyan had no choice but to disregard her own safety. She removed her outer jacket and plunged into the cold waters of the Yuquan River in April.

With one hand gripping the riverbank's edge and the other pushing the pole forward, Yu Xinyan anxiously shouted, "Quick, grab onto the pole!"

She feared that if they continued to struggle, they would drift further away from the bank, making it even more challenging to reach them with the pole.

The older boy in the water heard Yu Xinyan's words and calmed down. He made an effort to reach out and grab the extended pole. However, the younger child seemed exhausted and had already ingested several mouthfuls of water. The current was carrying him downstream.

The boy who had grasped the pole attempted to pull the other child, but being a child himself and exhausted, he lacked the strength. He tried multiple times but couldn't maintain his grip on the other child.

Yu Xinyan had no choice but to shout, "Don't try anymore. I'll pull you up first."

She feared that if they spent too much time, the exhausted child would face further danger. Time is of the essence.

She pulled the pole in her direction and then handed it to the children on the bank, saying, "Quick, help me pull him ashore."

Upon hearing Yu Xinyan's words, the children promptly seized the pole and pulled it backward, reassuring the boy, "Jianjun, don't be afraid. We'll pull you up."

In just a moment, the child in the water had drifted farther away from Yu Xinyan. She couldn't afford to worry about her limited swimming skills at this point. The situation was urgent, and saving lives was the priority.

Taking a deep breath, she swam directly towards the child. The water was turbulent, and as she ventured further into the middle of the river, it grew colder. Additionally, swimming with clothes on made it even more challenging, given the strong downstream current.

After struggling for a while, she finally reached the child from behind and extended her arms to embrace him under the armpits before swimming back to the riverbank.

There were too many uncertainties in this big river, and considering that she had just been discharged from the hospital, her energy rapidly depleted. Fortunately, the older children on the bank ran downstream with them, extending the pole towards them.

Just at that moment, the children who had rushed back to the factory for help arrived with several adults, including the parent of the child who had fallen into the water.

Everyone hurriedly joined forces to pull them ashore. A woman rushed forward from the crowd and tightly embraced the little boy in her arms, saying, "Wensheng, my son, don't scare mommy like this. How did you end up falling into the river?"

"Son, wake up quickly. Who will save my son? Wensheng, you'll be the death of me!"

The woman shook the child in her arms, growing even more terrified when she saw that he hadn't responded. She held him even tighter.

(End of this Chapter)

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