(X) Capitol Chaos

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"Mean Peeta never came when I called. He was slow, callous and always so angry with me for needing him"

Peeta's arms tighten around your back and feels the shudder that rips down your spine.

"But I've always needed you Peeta. So much. And it's only gotten worse. I can't breathe without you. They took my breath away when they took you from me" you gasp burying your nose in his neck

His hands rub soothingly up and down your back as he lets you continue. It was best to let you get these dark memories out whenever you could, it was not often, no matter how mad they drove him. If Mean Peeta was a real person...Peeta would obliterate him. Marvel got off light compared to what he wanted to do to Mean Peeta.

"All I wanted was for you to hold me. To feel safe again. To feel this"

Your arms tighten around his ribs, as if you were afraid that he would evaporate into thin air and the torture would be real all over again.

"Taking you away from me was like stealing my life. I meant it when I said that you are everything to me Peeta" you sigh against his collar bone "I love you. So, so much. All I ever needed. For them to take you from me", you whimper as your voice cracks
"No one is taking me from you ever again. Do you hear me?" Peeta asserted squeezing you tight
"I don't want to sleep here" you admit softly
"Well shit. In here five minutes and you've already broken the furniture" Haymitch burps from the door watching Peeta scoop you up into his arms, stepping over to him
"Can we swap rooms? This one is...she can't..." Peeta trails off
"Yeah. I actually don't want to stay in mine either"
"I'll be back to clean up in a minute"
"Don't bother. I've got it. Get settled in. I'll see you two tomorrow" Haymitch shrugs waving Peeta off as he places the bag you'd been carrying into his free hand

Peeta loved the fact that you were quite literally glued to his side throughout the entirety of your trip on the train. There weren't half as many staff as there used to be during the Hunger Days, so it afforded much more privacy, which allowed you to be as openly affectionate as you wanted.

Whenever he sat, you were on, or in his lap, even during meals. He enjoyed it very much that you did this while you ate. The deep arch in your back, ass planted firmly against his pelvis, calves locked around his, against the chair as you leaned forward to eat from your plate with your fingers.

To have you situated this way on his lap while you ate at the same time, was enough to make him want to make love to you all over this table. Something that happened quite a few times since the first night. His dick pushing against the front of his thin pajama pants, up against the seat of your shorts only spurred you into more wanton movements.

It'd become a game between you. A test of the wills. A very welcome distraction. He always waited until he was sure you were full before he claimed his prize.

When you'd polished off a few cheese buns or a sweet dessert, licking your fingers, then and only then was when he'd capture your lips in his. His hands on your waist, flipping you around so that you were now facing him, Peeta tasting every tangy sauce from your lips and sweet treat on your tongue with your thighs on the outer of his. Watching you eat always erupted a dark carnal desire within him. Feeding you, watching you indulge shamelessly, until your belly was pulled taut from fullness, made everything in Peeta aflame with pleasure.

"You're so beautiful love" Peeta moans against your soft lips

The pretty blush that started at your neck went up to your ears. Always so embarrassed by how easily words of endearment fell from his lips, showering you with genuine praise and affection.

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