"Yeah. Two cheeseburgers with just ketchup and pickles. Fries on the side." Liam releases a small breath of relief as Ian orders for both of them.

"Alright-y." She hums and scribbles it down. She picks up the menu and spins around to walk away.

Liam looks over at Ian and he's smiling. "You looked like you were about to die when she walked over here so I figured I'd better order."

Liam looks down at his lap. That's embarrassing. He manages to mumble out through his embarrassment a thanks. He is grateful.

"It's no problem. I have to order for Lucas all the time. That's actually why we call him puppy, er one of the reasons, because I told him that he looked like a kicked puppy and he got all defensive about it. That was back when we were freshmen, so he's gotten used to the nickname now."

Liam nods. "That makes sense."

At least he didn't have to feel embarrassed now. He still is but that helped.

"So, if you don't get to eat burgers what do you eat?" Ian asks with curiosity. "Some rich boy food?"

The waitress comes back and drops off their waters. Liam's grateful for the break in this conversation. It's a very short break though, as soon as she's gone again Ian is looking at him with his eyebrows raised.

"I don't know, I eat different things. My mom just doesn't like things like this because of all the grease and she claims it's super unhealthy." Liam shrugs. "She's a nut when it comes to what I'm allowed to eat."

"What you're allowed to eat? That's a weird way to phrase it."

"Yeah, but it's the correct way. She completely controls what I eat as much as she can." Liam says. He doesn't know why he's being so open but he doesn't see any reason why he shouldn't be.

"So... what would she do if she knew that you were eating a greasy cheeseburger right now?" Ian asks with genuine curiosity.

Liam nibbles on his bottom lip in thought. "She'd change the meal plan for the next week. We'd have some kind of healthy shitt as the main course and every single day we'd have salad as one of the first courses."

"Why salad specifically? Like I know it's healthy and all, but every single day?"

"She knows I don't like it." Liam shares, he takes a drink of his water. "I usually eat less when we have salad because I can't stand the taste of lettuce. I'll start feeling sick and leave dinner half way through. So, if she serves salad all that week then I'll eat less."

Liam looks up to meet Ian's eyes. His brown eyes are wide while looking back at Liam. "Are you being serious? Like, she purposely does that?"

"Um." Suddenly Liam feels unsure if this is something he should be sharing. Although, it's too late to back out now so he nods. "Yeah sometimes."

"Liam, that's messed up." Ian says like he's in shock. Liam's eyebrows furrow.

"I know it's not the greatest but she's always been like that." Liam mumbles. "It's okay, she just has issues about that kind of thing. It's because of how she was raised."

"Li, that's not an excuse." Ian's voice is soft now. His eyes are concerned.

Liam feels like shrinking in on himself. He shifts in his seat. At his discomfort, Ian sighs.

"Don't worry about it. Sorry, I'm prying."

"Uh, it's alright." Liam says awkwardly. He then spots the waitress coming towards them with food. That was fast. Then again, they are the only ones here.

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