"I'm not!" I persist. "It was a one-time thing. We've spoken and we've agreed that we are just friends,"

Shaking her head, she tiredly smiles at me. "Don't get me wrong, I really like Harry and I always have but is this a good idea? We both know that you're going to fall for him again and things are going to get messy."

"They won't," I tell her, persistent in my view to try and stay adamantly friends with Harry only. "Things won't get messy because we are not going there again. It was a one-time thing. It wasn't a mistake but it's not happening again!"

"I give it another week before you're fucking him again," Cooper chimes in with a smirk clear in his voice.

"No one asked you!" I snark, jamming my toe into his chest aggressively. "We are just friends,"

"Arlie-" Pri sighs. "Just... be careful, okay?"

I nod, knowing she's only concerned for me. However, the concern is untoward because I am fine and Harry is just a friend. In fact, we've only spoken once or twice since I stupidly turned up at his house unannounced. We work together civilly and then we have polite small talk and then we walk away and leave each other to go home alone.

"I will be careful," I tell her. "Harry and I are not a thing. I promise,"

"Okay," She nods, picking up a finer brush and dipping it into the red oil-based paint. "Onto the important stuff... was it good?"

Sighing contentedly, I smile to myself as my cheeks flush a pink shade. Leaning back into the sunbed mattress, I smile up to the ceiling with a giddy grin. "Some of the best I've ever had,"

"Ever?" Cooper questions. "Poor Jonathan,"

"He's shit in bed, let's be honest..." Priya adds with a grimace as a shudder runs down her spine.

"He's not–"

"Arlie!" She cuts me off. "Who is better, Harry or Jonathan?"

Shaking my head I know I shouldn't answer this.


"Who's got you off more?" Cooper rewords the questions, joining in with the girly gossip that he likes to listen in on. "Harry or Jonathan?"

I stare at him, my lips parted because this is an easy answer but I shouldn't say it out loud.

"It's Harry isn't it?"

I nod, rolling my lip in on themselves. "He's just so good at everything. It's annoying–"

"Oh yeah, I bet having amazing orgasms is so inconvenient," Priya sarcastically groans. "Your life is so hard, A."

"It is when I can't have those orgasms frequently,"

Cooper lifts his hand in the air like he was asking a question at school. "I'm all for her fucking Harry behind that assholes back. She's been so much nicer these last two weeks. Harry must have a magical dick!"

"Fuck you!" I laugh, trying to kick him off the end of my sunbed. "I can't,"

"You could," He counters. "Sex is just sex, A."

I shake my head, pressing my lips together. "Sex isn't just sex when it's with him,"

Priya smiles sadly because she knows exactly what I mean. Coops understands to a certain extent but we didn't know each other when Harry and I were a thing or even the immediate aftermath of our breakup. Priya has been with me through it all and so she saw the utterly distraught shell of a broken girl who was left after Harry and I concluded.

Priya knows how destroyed I was after all of that. So, she also knows that now I destroy myself so there isn't anything left for other people to destroy.

Flight risk. [h.s]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat