"Don't talk like we were after the profit. Remember that I offered everything I have to marry your sister, that counters all what Cavendish said about winning the Written Agreement." Kid said it loud and clear.

"Plus, our family are able to function even before the partnership." Heat said proudly causing Cracker to avert his eyes on him.

Killer sighed and cleared his throat to get everybody's attention which he successfully did.

"Are you all forgetting that we still don't know where Y/N is? Let's proceed to our discussion so we can go back to the city and resume the search." He said calmly.

"Like I said, I'm giving Y/N and Kid the freedom to talk about their marriage later on. What we need is to continue our meeting for the upcoming holiday." Linlin said. "Y/N!" She called.

Everyone crossed their brows in confusion for calling an absent person but that was cleared when Brulee entered the hall with you by her side.

"Y/n!" The Eustass Brothers said in unison.

"Y/n, you didn't say you're here." Katakuri stood from his seat and ran to hug you tightly, his worries disappeared instantly. However, Kid's mouth parted in shock as he stares at you. That was obvious from your peripheral vision but you decided not to make an eye contact with any of the Eustass brothers.

"Are you alright?" Katakuri asked, leading you to the empty chair near Linlin.

"Yes, I am." You smiled. However, the bags and lines from sleepless nights are obvious in your features.

"Seriously? You were just hiding here at mama's house?" Cracker is not mad, he rather found it funny.

"I apologize everyone, Mama's house is the only place I know where you won't try to look for me. Plus I didn't expect Kid to tell you I left our house since I thought he wouldn't care much." You explained as you sit down.

"Katakuri punched him in the face though." Cracker laughed. Some of your siblings tried their best not to snicker because it may result to an argument again.

"Your sister stayed here and explained things but I know it's not everything. Now, as much as possible, I hate losing connections that was made through marriage but I'm expecting Kid and Y/n to have a talk later after our meeting for this upcoming holidays. You two can decide whether to keep the marriage or file a divorce, no need to worry anymore about the Written Agreement. If divorce is chosen, everything invested by the Eustass family shall be returned." Linlin said.

The meeting resumed and lasted for an hour. As it ended, one by one, your brothers and sisters tapped your shoulders as they exited the room.

When everyone left and the door was closed, Kid stood from his seat to approach you but you stood up to keep your distance and began to head to the door.

Heat and Wire wanted to talk to you but Killer stopped them saying it's better to give you your space and time.

"Y/n, wait." Kid called.

"I want to go back home."


Katakuri pulled over by the gates while Kid's car entered the gate and went to park in front of the porch to wait for you.

Earlier, you asked your brother Katakuri to take you home instead of riding the same vehicle with Kid.

"Are you sure you can handle everything?" He's totally concern about your current state.

"I will. Thanks." You hugged him lightly and went out of his car. You entered the gates as Katakuri drives away. Turning around, Kid already opened the door to the house and stood there to wait for you.

Each step closer to him feels heavier until you reached inside the house.

Your eyes wandered around the living room, you'll sure miss having a chaotic red head for sure.

You took few steps in, peaking on the door frame leading to the kitchen. You'll miss the smell of coffee he makes and the pancakes.

The stairs, you'll miss the shirtless red head who always comes down with a grumpy face.

It has only been few nights since the incident happened. You took it into consideration that maybe you were just rushing things, maybe you just needed time to think things through, maybe a space is all you needed.

You took a deep breath, gathering the courage to finally say one thing without facing him. It was hard to believe that despite of your heart wanting him to stay, your words came out to be the opposite of it.

"Kid, you may pack up your things and leave."



Written date: June 15, 2023

Twitter: @Masclara17
Tiktok: @masclara17
Youtube: Masclara

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