Chapter 14: Revelations

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* Andrea's POV *

The week has been great to me. I’m finally catching up with the 2 week that I have missed when they started classes. Of course, I wouldn’t make this on my own without my awesome friends Kaity, Louise, Julie, and Sam. They have been great to me, and they just won’t give up whenever I can’t understand a certain topic. Jai has been helping me out as well. I think I would never get this achievement without their help. They all have been grand friends.

It was Thursday, and I was sitting at the back as always. I was with Luke, but it was different with Jai, since we usually talk a lot. But whenever I’m in class with Luke, we’re mostly serious, and well, probably maybe because it is English class and we’re both into literary arts. I’m really not a great fan of poetry, but I wanna learn how to write on the spot. I wanna be creative. I wanna express myself through writing. I admire Luke for his creativity in everything that he does. I wish I have that creative side too.

Right before our class was about to end, Ms. Kensington said that we’re going on a field trip next week. I think we’re going to visit a museum and appreciate all the literary art works. Luke was happy because he likes taking pictures and he’s actually good at it. I was just happy that we’re going on a field trip where I can learn more things. I love going to museums. I’m such a geeky kid. Haha!

I was pretty happy that it was already Friday. I can’t wait to be finally out of school and have fun this weekend. I actually don’t have anything planned out, but I was thinking of starting to do some painting of walls. I mean, it would be fun to hang out with friends like in the mall or something, but this weekend I wanted to do something for myself. I wanted to be alone, and get some work done around the house.

When the bell for the last period rang, everyone was happy that weekend has officially arrived. Haha! Yeah, you should have seen our faces. People may have think that it is vacation already, but it was just the weekend. Kaity and I went out of school’s building and were waiting for Louise and Julie. Kaity was a bit hungry so we decided to head to KFC to grab a bite. Sam came and wanted to go to.

“So, any plans this weekend Andi?” Julie asked.

 I used to be the girl who plans everything and then gets disappointed afterwards if it didn’t turn out right. Since I have moved to Australia, I’ve been changing stuffs about me, and I have liked it. I love the new ‘me’.

“I don’t know. I might just stay at home, and re-do my room. What about you guys?” I asked.

“Cool! I’m gonna see my nonna. My family’s going to have a reunion with our other relatives” Kaity said.

 “Nice. I actually have babysitting duties this weekend, getting some extra cash” Julie replied.

“I’m chilling at home probably. What about you, Sam” asked Louise.

“Well, I usually have my weekends planned with the other girls in school, but I have no idea about this weekend since I haven’t really hang out with them anymore” Sam frowned. I feel sorry for her though. She’s been hanging out with Robert and crew since forever, but then she left and joined us. I felt guilty that it was my fault.

“Hey, isn’t Robert your neighbor?” asked Kaity.

Sam nodded. “But we don’t really talk anymore.”

It was almost 6:00PM when I said I was getting tired and I said that I’ll go ahead. They weren’t tired yet, and decided to stay some café. I already went out, I didn’t know if I should just walk, or take a public transport. I have never really gone out alone in Melbourne and I was just getting used to the city.

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