Grain or Sand, Nothing Is Extinguished Nor Forgotten

Start from the beginning

“Let's get this over with,” Jin groused, scratching behind his round ear before adjusting the sleeves to his puffed out fisherman sweater, the poor thing stretched to its limit after Seokjin shoved it over not two but three other pullovers. So much so that the purple color of the previous article of clothing could virtually be seen through the extended yellow fibers. 

“Taehyung, are you positive you’ll be okay by yourself? I don’t like the thought of leaving you alone,” you questioned for the upteenth time as you finished adjusting your hair.

“I can stay with him if it’ll make you feel better,” Hoseok offered, his kindness instantly rejected by the tiger spitting out a blood curdling hiss. “O-Or maybe not?”

“Taehyung,” you gently scolded, repositioning his blanket on the shoulder that had been knocked free from the jerk of his body, his back still stubbornly turned to the room as he slunk lower in the mattress. “I really would feel better if someone was here with you.”

“Nht’im,” your tiger grumbled, his ear flicking twice in irritability as he huffed.

“Huh?” You leaned in to hear him better, steadying yourself by resting your hands on his arm where you adjusted the blanket at his hip.

You nearly let loose a scream as you were jerked until you were laying over the tiger, his wrapped hand clutching your wrist as he pulled you into a head bump over his shoulder. You moved to stand until you caught his eyes, realizing all the anger that had burned in them had lost their fuel. He seemed inconsolable.. Your fierce and ferocious predator suddenly looking so small and heartbroken under your shadow, it made you stop your movements and gently bump your forehead back into his.

“Not him ,” he repeated, voice broken. Then with a gruff exhale his eyes slid shut, hand finding its way into your hair to keep you in place against his head with locked fingers weaving themselves in the strands as he breathed you in. His next exhale was unsteady, filling your chest with a wrenching ache.

“I’ll stay,” Namjoon announced, already walking to his bed before you could shoot the idea down.

“Uh- what?” You shuffled, trying to turn a frown in Joon's direction though Tae wouldn’t let you budge an inch. “I told you I’d need your help at the party. If something happens—”

The lion cut you off with a snarl, his growl becoming increasingly louder until it suddenly died off with him holding his side, licking his parched lips while furrowing his brow. “Stop acting like we’re incapable of taking care of ourselves. We’re grown men that don’t need babied—” He paused, glaring deadpan at Jimin who had crossed his arms in disagreement. “Except for that one.. But we can handle ourselves, if you haven’t noticed.”

“It might be better this way,” Yoongi added with a pop of his lips, something he only did when he thought he was being the only logical one. “Your family won’t react well to his appearance right now.”

When you couldn’t say anything in response, Joon continued the long task of unbuttoning his shirt, easing down on the edge of his bunk since it would take awhile. Your gaze flicked back to Taehyung’s bruised face next to yours, the swelling just barely beginning to calm down. You waited for his eyes to open. When they didn’t, you sighed in resignation. “Is it ok if it’s Joon?”

A nod.

“Do you want us to bring you back some food?”

SeVen Uncaged :The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now