Chapter 1

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Now on Harry and I's eleventh birthday, we were both tightly wrapped under two paper-thin blankets, lying on the floor next to the fire, about to wish each other a happy birthday.

The watch that Dudley was wearing struck midnight, and we blew out the make-believe candles we had drawn on the floor.

We were both about to lie down, but out of nowhere the big wooden door to the shack fell off of its hinges, and in the doorway stood a huge figure. Harry jumped up and pulled me over and behind the couch.

Dudley just sat in fear staring at the man. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon ran down the stairs with a rifle in Uncle Vernon's hands frozen in fear.

"Harry!" The man said "Happy birthday to you, you're a lot bigger than I expected you but hey, so am I" he sat down on the couch with a laugh. "Where's your sister?" He asked, looking at Dudley through his overgrown eyebrows.

"I-I'm not H-Harry," Dudley said, taking multiple steps away from him.

"I am," Harry said, standing up from behind the couch.

"And Maddie's right here," I stood up and waved shyly at him.

"Well, of course, y'all are," he said. He shifted his weight over, so he could look at us. "How do you do?" He nodded at me.

"Who are you!" Uncle Vernon yelled. Still clutching the gun tightly.

"There is no need to yell. I'm right here, you fat git." The man spat at Uncle Vernon.

Harry let out a chuckle.

We talked more about who he was and who we were. I discovered his name was Hagrid and that our parents did not die in a car crash, as the Dursleys had told us.

And an evil wizard, you-know-who, murdered them and then tried to kill Harry and I but the spell reflected off of Harry and defeated him.

Yeah, I know, it's a lot to take in. I'm still processing it all as well.

Hagrid turned to leave and started to walk out the door. After he had put the door back up on the hinges he turned to look at us. "Coming?" He asked.

Harry and I just looked at each other confused. "Where?" I asked. "Oh," Hagrid said with a laugh. "To the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley." He said.

We walked out with him and sat down in the side carriage on his motorbike. "A bit tight huh? Yous were just lil babies when yous all were in here last" Hagrid said.

We arrived at Diagon Alley where a woman in green robes and a tall hat on her head was waiting for us. "Ahh, Maddie and Harry Potter," she said with a smile. 

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