Royce grabbed her hand again and scoot close to her making her feel comfortable. "It started after my Mom and Dad got a divorce. My mom had an affair. When he left her I felt like he left me too."

"Are you mad at your Mom for the affair she had?" She asked.

"At the time yes." Kingsley sighed.

"So what happened after your Dad left? Is that when you and your Mom started having problems?" She asked.

Kingsley nodded her head. "Yea, when they were officially divorced my Mom started going out more than usual. It's nothing wrong with going out and having fun but there were days I woke up and she wasn't there. I started having behavioral problems in school. She put me on medication thinking it'll help but instead it causes me to have anxiety." She said

"Do you feel like things would've been better if your father was involved?" She asked.

"Yea in some ways." She said. Doctors Kipps grabbed the box of tissues off her desk seeing her eyes gloss and turn red. "I missed him so much."

She handed Kingsley the tissues and wrote down her thoughts on the notepad. "You can continue when you're ready." She said watching Kingsley wipe her eyes and nose.

"I felt like things would be better in some way if my Dad was with me but he wasn't. When I was 16 that's when she kicked me out. I felt like she was trying to impress her boyfriend to show she had some type of power over me. I got into a argument with her boyfriend. He would come home and leave his things around the house after I did my chores. One night I snapped and yelled at him. He told my Mom and she came to telling me how she was disappointed in me for talking back to and adult because she didn't raise me to be like that." Tears fell from her eyes.

"Do you still carry these feelings with you now?" She asked.

"Yea, especially when's he told me how disappointed she was of me. That still hurts me because she never tried to understand where I'm coming from." She wiped her eyes. "So I talk about my Mom I get emotional because at the beginning of my childhood I adored her so much. I wanted to be like my Mom but the older I get the more I realize how much I dislike her and never want to be around her and it hurts to even say that about her."

As the session goes on Royce sat there holding her hand listening to every detail. Once their session was up they got in Royce's all black Maybach. They sat in the car in silence.

Kingsley puts on her seat belt and palmed her face letting out a deep sigh.

"How you feel?" He asked.

"Upset but I feel better." She said. "Are my eyes still red?" She asked widening her eyes for him to examine.

"Yea a little." He chuckled. "It'll be ok, few more sessions you'll learn to heal from your trauma." He said. She nodded her head. "We should go somewhere tonight."

"Like?" She asked.

"Night club. I can call the guys, they bring their dates. We can all just go out." He said.

"Ok." She nodded her head.

Later that night Justin stood in the mirror in the corner of Kingsley room getting dressed. "When are you going back to Miami?" He asked.

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