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||Sunoo's P.O.V||

I quickly push myself away from Sunghoon, immediately setting distance between the two of us and walk right towards Heeseung who seems to have misunderstood the situation.

Not that it mattered but still, I didn't want anyone to associate me with this narcissistic bitch.

He's been nothing but pain the past few weeks that I've known them, not that he had the best first impression on me anyways.

Brushing away my thoughts I focused on Heeseung before taking him in a warm hug.

"I was looking for you Heeseung hyung" breaking the hug I looked at him who was already smiling down at me "Why weren't you in your room?"

Heeseung shrugs and that's when I hear a scoff coming from behind me.

It was obviously Sunghoon who was half expecting me to apologize but I'm not about to apologize to a stack up person like him.

And besides, I wasn't even at fault.

"Sunghoon was venting about something but started crying so I left to get him wate-"

"Hyung I think you've said enough!" Sunghoon cuts Heeseung off, glaring right at him while I stand there shocked.

Heeseung's hands go up to his mouth, preventing the loud gasp to leave his lips while he gives Sunghoon an apologetic look.

I on the other hand can't help but look at Sunghoon with sad helpless eyes.

It's not that I'm warming up to him -blame the soft spot I have for crying people- but I didn't like the thought of him or anyone being sad enough to have to vent.

Sunghoon's gaze travelled from Heeseung to mine, our eyes meeting for a brief second before he broke eye contact and cleared his throat.

"I'm gonna head out to practice, you can tell the others that the manager had called all of us to the practice room" Sunghoon said looking at Heeseung, his glare still consistent.

I'm sure he's embarrassed but, he doesn't have anything to be embarrassed about.

Crying is the most human thing he's done so far.

"Why didn't he call Jungwon then?" His question falls to deaf ears as Sunghoon just walks off and out of both our visions.

My eyes still tail after him to see if he's alright but then, they can't anymore.

Sunghoon is out my vision and Heeseung is now in my vision again.

"You know that was a really shit thing of you to do Heeseung hyung" My mouth had a mind of its own and I couldn't help but scold him for what he'd done.

Heeseung only sighs, nodding in agreement before walking into his room but not before signalling me to come in as well.

And so we enter his room.

I quickly plop onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling and remembering the look Sunghoon had on his face.

At the moment, I didn't realise that the redness in his eyes wasn't the haterade he held for me but the tears they had been hoarding.

While in my own little world, I felt the bed slump in next to me, my head shooting up instinctively and found Heeseung sitting there.

"It's really all your fault though" I scoff.

How is it my fault that he's a bad friend!? Is he trying to get on my never for whatever reason?

I sit up, folding my arms across my chest and raise an eye brow.

"How is you being a bad friend any of my fault?" I was pissed.

My anger issues hadn't flared up like this in a while but hearing Heeseung -the one I had warmed up to most- blame me for his behaviour was really disappointing and Infuriating.

"It is in a way?" He layed his back on the bed nonchalantly and I had to turn my head to look in his direction "You just make it so easy for me to say whatever the truth is"

My heart picks up pace, Heeseung looks me right in the eyes before giving me a soft smile and saying what felt like was a delusion. 

"To put it simply, you make me not wanna lie to you"

Heeseung hours? And also, I'm so sorry for the late update :( it must've throw you off after all the back to back frequent updates but I promise to work harder and post more frequently <3

Hope you enjoyed this -kinda boring- chapter ;)

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