Her Past

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[name] couldn't believe her luck. Due to the fact that she wasn't much of a water fan, she hadn't drank enough from the well to die from it but just enough to need treatment. Fortunately for her, Mitsuri Kanroji had arrived just in time for a demon attack. Upon finding the young child laying on the floor unable to move, she pitied her and carried her all the way to the demon headquarters in order to get her attended to right away.

Whenever one of those weird humans in brown attires would treat her, she would be reminded of how gentle and caring Hakuji would be and that would bring tears in her eyes. When that occured, none of them knew how to make her feel better. Except from one person.

Giyuu Tomioka.

His personality reminded her of Hakuji's. They were both silent most of the time, emotionless and were willing to listen whenever she wanted to rant about something. Hakuji had developed a habit of drawing circles on her back whenever she was crying and Tomioka seemed to only be acquainted with this technique whenever she needed to calm down.

Giyuu, on the other hand, liked the attention he was receiving by the younger, yet he didn't really express it with words rather with his actions. Of course, [name] was there to listen to him complaining about Shinobu Kocho and her teasings. Giyuu gave her occassional gifts so as a show of gratitude towards her choice to be his friend and [name] would braid his hair and sew his haoris whenever they would get damaged.

As far as Mitsuri was concerned, [name] had pledged an oath to be under her service for the rest of her life. Since Mitsuri wasn't looking for a servant figure, she made [name] her tsuguko and trained her together with Rengoku to become a Hashira as well.

A year later, at the age of sixteen, she managed to create her own breathing, based on the lively trees that she had planted in her house (as a reminder of her deceased family) and slayed more than 50 demons while undergoing intense training along with Muichiro. Both of them shared a burning passion to kill demons, both of them for their own reasons.

To Muichiro, [name] was half a mother half a sibling figure, considering that she wasn't much older than him. He always went to her whenever he wanted advice or to be reminded of things (his head was pretty foggy all the time and she helped him a lot with his memory) or simply to hang out with her.

After she had done that, the master, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, upgraded her from a mere tsuguko to a Hashira, since she had proven herself useful and trustworthy, and introduced her to the rest of the Hashiras. Mitsuri and Giyuu were really proud of her and deep down, even though Muichiro would forget her existence sometimes, he was too.

Rengoku and Gyomei seemed to have taken a liking towards her. The latter strolled out a lot with her and showed her how to appreciate the stones which he lowkey worshipped and the former was there to correct her training movements whenever he saw them being incorrect. Other than that, the three had once tried cooking together and it was a success. Everyone loved the cookies they had baked.

Obanai was neutral towards [name] until he noticed that she got to spend a lot of time with Mitsuri. That got him really jealous and pouty and he internally hated her for it. One day, he had found her with his snake and he lost it, snapping at her for going near his precious Kaburamaru. [name] calmly waited for him to finish his angry speech and explained to him that the snake was choking since he had impatiently swallowed a big amount of whatever animal he had found and he was about to die. From that day and onwards, Obanai's hostility had changed and he was less rude to her, even letting him near his pet whenever she wished. He sometimes let her braid his hair if it meant that he was going to get complimented by Kanroji.

Shinobu viewed her as a younger sister. On their first encounter, [name] recognized the female as the one who was tormenting her friend and insantly went up to her, forcing her to apologize to Giyuu for calling him friendless. She didn't necessarily despise Shinobu but she wasn't fond of her either. Despite the attempts the older had made to redeem herself, [name] was having none of it. Slandering Giyuu was not tolerated in her household. Shinobu still liked her a lot and wished the two would become friends which they eventually did. [name] cannot hold a grudge for too long.

Uzui was the first one to invite her over to his house after her becoming a Hashira since he found her really flamboyant. There, she met his three wives, Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma. They were all lovely and pampered her a lot. "Say, [name] chan, would you like to be my fourth wife?" He winked at her. The girl would be lying if she was to refuse he was handsome enough to contemplate about dating him yet something held her back. She had devoted herself to someone else who was probably dead or elsewhere. "It's okay, [name] chan. The offer is still on the table, just in case."

Lastly, Sanemi didn't even bother with her existence. Sure, she was one of the most powerful Hashiras, nonetheless he didn't want to involve himself on her business. To him, [name] was labeled as a crybaby ever since he had chanced on her sniveling during her first time on the demon slayer headquarters. He wanted to be her, he envied how much power given her age and the amount of time it took her to become a Hashira.

Genya was the opposite. On the grounds that Gyomei would instruct her, [name] and Genya grew close. He adored her a lot. Sanemi was bitter about it. No matter how many times the female had tried to break his shell, he didn't seem to budge nor let his guard for her. However, she didn't give up on him. She always behaved her best to him, cooked things for him and assisted him wherever she was able to. He wasn't appreciative or at least he didn't display it. After several effort, he got fed up and howled at her to leave him alone.

[name] respected his decision. She could sense that he had a rough past and trusted nobody anymore. The frequent visits to his house were abruptly cut. Sanemi no longer woke up to the sound of water boiling or pan frizzling. It was quiet in the beginning. Awfully quiet. It was almost suffocating. He had gotten used to her presence. If he didn't stick to the previous routine with her, it was as if something was missing. He never told her that, though. His ego wouldn't allow him.

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