you're losing me

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He says, "I don't understand."

I say, "I know you don't."

Cause if he did, we wouldn't be fighting in the first place.

We thought a cure would come through in time. Now I fear it won't.

I remember looking at this room. We loved it cause of the light. Now, this room is surrounded by darkness from our faded souls.

There is no light anymore.

"Why would you invite my ex to our wedding, Augustine?" His voice was raising with every word that left his mouth.

"Because she came to me and said that she was happy for us, but then she made a comment about how she thought you and her broke up with all good intentions, and I knew she was upset about not getting invited so I invited her." I took a deep breath in when I finished speaking.

"Really? So it's not about the fact that you're a people pleaser and you just wanted her to like you?"

"No, JJ, why would I do that?" My voice sounded like someone just put a knife through my heart.

"God, I'm so sick of your bullshit. Not everyone has to like you, Augustine. Grow up." He screamed at my face before he slammed the door and left me there, stunned.

He might just have dealt the final blow.

I couldn't stop the hot tears that were running down my face when I sat down on the floor of our apartment.

I didn't realize that I've fallen asleep until I woke up to the sound of the front door opening.

My eyes met with a guilty looking JJ when he entered through the door and saw me laying on the floor with bloodshot eyes.

We stayed like this for minutes, for hours, I wouldn't know. Does time even matter anymore?

The air is thick with loss and indecision.

I'm the one who broke the silence. "Say something."

"I'm sorry."


I couldn't help the scoff that left my mouth.

"I love you."

You're losing me.

I started laughing at this one.

How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dying?

I stand up, "I think it's best if we don't fool each other."

His voice was caught up in his throat when he saw me taking off the engagement ring.

"I think you would want this back."

"No, Augustine, come on -"

I interrupted him. "I wouldn't marry me either. I'm a people pleaser, remember?"

Who only wanted you to see her.

I was screaming inside when I left through the front door. A part of me still wanted him to come after me, I wanted him to do something, say something, anything.

I wanted him to risk something for once.

I wanted him to choose me.

I wanted to scream at him: "Stop. Cause you're losing me."

A/N: I'm back! This one is really short cause I kind of lost the inspiration to write, but the school is over, so I'll try to update more frequently. I'm open for suggestions, by the way!

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