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I wish I could take back the moment that I agreed on a fake relationship with JJ Maybank.

But no, of course I was too busy thinking that my crazy obssesive ex would finally leave me alone, but I didn't think about the person that I'll be doing this with is the JJ Maybank, whose every girl's dream boy.

I knew I'd fall in love with him.

I did fall in love with him.

What is this? A fucking book?

He had his own benefits, too, such as making his crush jealous so that she can understand that he is not dying to be with her.

He is dying to be with her, actually.

And now I'm staring at the text that JJ has sent me, saying that he's done with this fake relationship when I hear a knock on the door.

I make my way to the door, wondering who is knocking on my door at this late hour, knowing that I have no friends and my parents are away on a work trip.

I open the door to see my ex-boyfriend Joe standing there, looking furious.

"Joe? What are you - "

I can't even finish my sentence before he pushes the door roughly and enters the house, looking around to see if anybody is home.

"You're a bitch Augustine, and I can't stand it anymore. You probably cheated on me with him. Hell, he probably is waiting for you in your bed right now, isn't he?"

He launches for my bedroom, but I stop him with standing in front of him before he can take a step towards my room.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? You think you have the right to come at my house, storm inside uninvited, and call me a bitch? Get the fuck out of my house."

"What are you gonna do, huh? Hit me?"

"Yeah, actually." I say as I throw a punch at his precious face, making his head turn to the side with the impact.

"You got your answer, now leave." I point to the door.

"You think you can get away that easy?" He smirks, and before I know it, he pushes me, and I fall to the ground.

He climbs on top of me to strict my movements and starts punching my face.

"That's what you get when you're a cheating whore." He screams between punches.

I find a chance to lift my knee, and I kick him in the balls, making him yelp out in pain and fall to the ground beside me. I use this opportunity to get up from the ground and run to my bedroom so I can reach my phone.

But as I unlock my phone in hopes of calling the police, someone pulls my hair, and I drop my phone to the ground.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

I cry out in pain when he starts banging my head to the corner of my bedside table while I try desperately to get myself free from his grip.

Nothing seems to be working when my vision starts to blur.

I wake up without knowing what time it is and how long I stayed unconscious for, and the next thing I feel is a throbbing headache, then a wetness on the side of my head, and on my face, which is probably blood gushing out from my open wounds. The guy who did this to me seems nowhere to be found.

I can't even get myself to look in the mirror before I get up and storm out of the house.

I find myself on my ex fake boyfriend's doorstep.

I don't even know what I'm doing when I knock on his door.

Just as I'm questioning myself about coming here, thinking that this was a bad idea and he probably doesn't even care, he opens the door.

His face goes from confusion to pure anger when he sees my face.

"What the fuck? Who did this to you?" He caresses my face in his hands, careful not to hurt me, but his eyes are flaring up like fire.

"I'm sorry, I had no one else to go." I mutter, still thinking that I'm disturbing him.

"You don't need to apologize." He says as he lets me inside and leads me to a room that I assume is his bedroom.

"Sit on the bed and wait for me, I'll be back."

I do as he says with slow movements due to my spinning head, which I think is a sign of the concussion I most definitely have.

JJ comes back with a first aid kit in his hands and sits next to me,making the bed dip with his weight.

"I'll try to sterilize your face, but we need to go to the hospital just in case there is something serious."

"Is it as bad as it feels?" I ask.

"I don't know what you want me to say."

I choose to remain silent instead of replying, and he starts to dress my wounds.

The stinging brings tears to my eyes, but I don't cry, I'm still too in shock to digest the fact that I just got abused by my ex-boyfriend.

"Done." JJ's voice brings me back to reality, and it all comes down on me at the same time.

He doesn't care, so what am I doing here? He literally ended something that's been going on for months in just a text, probably because he got what he wanted. I deserve better than that.

"I should probably go now." I say while I attempt to stand up, but I'm stopped by JJ's hand on my arm.

"You're not going anywhere when you're in this state."

"You don't even care." I snap.

"What do you mean I don't care? If I'm still here by your side and not murdering that son of a bitch for what he did, it's because I care about you enough to know that you wouldn't want that. So stop with that bullshit." He gets angrier and starts raising his voice.

"I guess you don't care about me enough to notice that I've been in love with you for months while you were using me to make some girl jealous." I shout at him.

He stands still.

Well, there goes my plans of confessing my love to him in pouring rain.

"Augustine, do you even have an idea about why I ended our relationship?"

"Because your crush asked you out?"

"No, because I've fallen in love with you." He whispers.

And when I felt like I was an old cardigan, under someone's bed, he put me on and said I was his favorite.

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