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The sound of my ringtone wakes me up. I look at my screen with squinted eyes to see who's calling at 2 am and I see the contact of the only person who's more important to me than my sleep.


He's definitely in trouble or else he wouldn't call this late. I answer right away and get out of bed to get ready to take him from wherever he is.

"What happened JJ?"

"Hello to you too. You're mean." His speech is slurred so I can tell that he's most definitely drunk.

"Just tell me where you are so I can come to get you"

"No you don't have to come, I'll come to you, I'm already on my way and now I'm passing that park we used to play at when we were little." I understand where he is right away, so I grab my keys and make my way to my car quickly.

"How about you sit on the swing for two minutes and I'll come so we can swing together?" I attempt to convince him to stay where he is so he doesn't get lost.

He sounds so happy when he replies with a simple "okay" and hangs up the phone. I go to the park as fast as I can before he falls asleep on the swing.

When I arrive I find a half-asleep JJ on the swing, I quickly make my way to him.

"Hey J, I'm here let's go home"

"No go away, I'm waiting for my girlfriend to come so she can swing with me"

His head is down and he's drunk so it's no surprise that he doesn't recognize my voice. I kneel so now I'm at eye level with him, he looks into my eyes and I can see the recognition flashing across his eyes.

"Babe, some girl tried to take me home with her but I told her that I have a girlfriend. I've been waiting for you" he says as he pulls me to his lap.

I giggle at his mindless state and stand up with his arm around my shoulder so I can support him given the fact that he doesn't have any balance right now.

"I'm so proud of you, but I'll be even more proud if you can make it to bed without falling asleep. Can you do that for me?"

"Course I can!"

We reach the car and I buckle him up before going to the driver's seat and starting the car.

Ten minutes later we're in front of my house where we live together cause my parents rarely come home because they travel almost all the time due to their work.

I take him upstairs to my bedroom, he's struggling to keep his eyelids open so I just lay him down without dressing him into something comfortable. I'm sure he doesn't mind. I get back in my comfortable bed and fall asleep
cuddling with JJ.

I wake up with no sign of JJ, the sun peeking through my curtains tells me that it's morning. I must've slept in.

When I look at the time I understand that JJ has gone to work and I go downstairs so I can make myself some breakfast.

I'm halfway through eating my breakfast when the doorbell rings. I just assume it's one of my friends so I open the door with my pajamas still on.

Who I last expect to be is cops on my doorstep at 10 am on a Sunday.

Somethings wrong.

"Are you Augustine Iris Summer?" the officer asks, I get even more nervous at the sound of my full name, and I just nod at her.

"I'm so sorry but your parents have gotten in a car crash, you need to come to the hospital with us"

They're dead.

She didn't specially said that they're dead but the sound of her voice and the pitiful look on her face tells me enough to know that they're dead.

My body just works on it's own, I don't know when I got into the car, arrived at the hospital, and sat on the chair in the waiting room.

All the memories with my parents flashing through my mind, I break down when I realize how real this is.

When my sobs start to make it hard for me to breathe, I open my phone and click on the contact of the first person that comes to my mind.

He is the last person I have actually.

It rings, and rings, and rings.

Just as I lose hope that he'll answer, I hear his voice on the other end of the line.

"Babe, I can't talk right now, Kiara got into an argument with her parents and they kicked her out, I need to be there for her" and with that, he just hangs up.

Who's going to be here for me?


I don't cry after that, I just think of how am I supposed to live with this much pain.

When the doctor comes and confirms that they're dead, I can't even cry, a piece of me died with them too.

I walk back home with lifeless steps.

I walk into my parents' room with lifeless steps.

I lay in their bed with lifeless moves.

Just like them. Lifeless.

I realize that I cried myself to sleep when I wake up with my ringtone banging in my ears.

Second time in a day. But this time I don't care about his whereabouts and if he's in danger or not. He can go fuck himself.

I just put my phone on do not disturb and go back to sleep.

This time I wake up with someone nudging my shoulder.

"Augustine, wake up" JJ wakes me up with a mad look on his face and he still can have the audacity to ask me " Why are you not answering your phone?"

The last piece of sanity I have in me just breaks and I get out of bed with such force that my head spins and I need to wait for a second so I don't just faint there.

"Do you think I'll come running every time you call me? You never do the same, do you ever think about that, huh?" I scream at his face with all the emotion built in me due to today's being the worst day of my life.

"What are you talking about?"

He doesn't have a clue. Of course, he doesn't have a fucking clue.

"You would've known if you didn't hang up on me without waiting for my reply. Is Kiara okay? It's so sad that she got in a fight with her parents while my parents are fucking dead!"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Are you dumb? What part do you not understand about my parents dying?" As much as I hate myself for it, I'm crying hysterically again.

"I'm so sorry, Augustine" he attempts to pull me in for a hug but I held my hand in front of me to stop him.

"It's too late for that. I want you to leave"

"No, please don't do that us."

"There's no us anymore JJ"


"I said leave!"

He finally listens to me and goes out of the room, I let out a painful scream when I hear the sound of the outside door closing.

Watch my heart burn.

A/N: the fact that I started this with cute stuff but turned it into something so gut-wrenching shows how I can't let myself be happy for 2 minutes.

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