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"Hey guys, look what I can do!" I yell at my friends in hopes of getting their attention while I try to do a hand stand on top of a surf board, which is not balanced because of a rolling thing underneath it.

As they turn to the sound of my voice from the spot they are sitting by the fire, I lose my balance and fall right on top of the broken glass pieces left from last night's party.

My arm gets cut by a huge piece.

I see JJ rushing over to me, but he gets taken aback by my sudden laughing fit that makes me seem like I'm on something.

Which would be completely normal for me, so that's what my friends are probably thinking.

"Oh my God, this was so embarrassing!" I say between my laughter, which leaves me breathless and makes me sound like I'm choking.

"You were doing great babe, it would be better if you didn't cut yourself, though." JJ says as he helps me get up from the floor.

It's then I realize how bad the cut is when my whole arm feels like it's on fire.

JJ notices the look of pain on my face;
"Let's get you cleaned up." He says as he starts leading me inside the Chateau.

We get inside the small bathroom, I jump on the counter as JJ takes the first aid kit from one of the cabinets.

"Let me take a look first." He gestures for my arm.

I let him inspect my arm as I count the tiles of the bathroom floor so I can get distracted from the pain.

"Fuck Augustine, the glass is still in there. And I need to sew it up."

"Do what you gotta do."

"It's gonna hurt like hell."

"I'm sure I can manage."

He sighs and starts taking out things he'll need out of the first aid kit.

He gives me a sorry look before he starts by taking the glass out of my arm, which makes me let out a scream of pain.

I grab JJ's shoulder in pain and dug my nails into it unwillingly, but he doesn't say anything to the pain I'm causing to him.

"You're doing great, I'm almost done." He says to courage me, but I'm now at the point where I start to cry out in pain, so I can't really listen to him.

"I'm done."

I let out a sigh of relief, and when I look at JJ's shoulder, I see that there's blood on his shirt where I was just holding onto.

He looks where I'm looking at.

"Don't worry about it." He tries to distract me with a kiss to my forehead from the fact that I just made him bleed.

I can't believe how a person can be so unselfish.

It's when I realized that I'm falling in love.

Uh oh, I'm falling in love.


I wake up to someone pulling my comforter off my body. The sudden wave of cold air makes me open my eyes with a groan.

"Good morning, come on up, princess." I hear my boyfriend's overpositive voice while I'm still trying to wake myself up.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I get out of bed so I can wash my face and brush my teeth. But as I'm making my way to the bathroom, I notice that it's still dark outside.

"We're going somewhere." JJ shrugs.

"And you couldn't at least wait for the sun to rise?"

"Nope, we need to go like right now. So stop complaining and get ready."

I sigh and give in, deciding to do as he says because I know he's not gonna give up until he gets what he wants.

When we get out of the house, I see two bikes on my doorstep.

"Ugh, it's too early for this shit." I complain.

I'm not a morning person.

"You're not gonna be complaining when you understand why we're up so early. Just trust me and come with me." JJ says as he gets on his bike and starts pedaling.


We stop at the beach just when the sun starts to rise, and then I understand why JJ woke me up so early.

It's so we can watch the sun rise together.

We leave our bikes and sit on the beach, just staring at the beautiful early morning lights reflecting from the ocean waves.

"Your parents told me that you didn't get out of bed since you got back from school yesterday. Did something happen?" He turns his head towards me.

I divert my gaze.

"Yesterday, at practice, I couldn't do shit. Maybe it wasn't just my day or something, but I couldn't even hit the ball properly, and everyone was giving me judgy looks. You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to fail."

"Hey, who gives a shit about them. They all know that you're better than them, so they get jealous, and they wait for you to make a mistake so they can find your weak spot. But you need to show them that you don't care. Because you're better than all of them Augustine."

His words make me feel safe and scared at the same time.

I don't know what he's doing to me.

But I'm falling in love again even though I don't want to.

Oh no, I'm falling in love again.


"Come dance with me!" I try to make JJ get up from his seat so he can join me on the dance floor, but he hates it so much that even I can't convince him to dance.

"Babe, I told you, I don't dance."

"Okay, whatever." I roll my eyes at him before I give in and join my friends again.

After a few minutes of dancing, I feel someone's ringed hands on my waist as the person whispers in my ear, "You don't know what you're doing to me."

I turn around to face my boyfriend with a smirk that's plastered across my face.

"Oh, believe me, lover boy, I know." I wink at him.

"You know I would do anything for you, right?"

I melt right there at his words.

I really do know that he would do anything for me.

He would break his back just to make me break a smile.

I know I'm not scared anymore.

Oh, I'm falling in love.

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