Christmas Eve

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"I'm sorry, Chris, but I won't be able to make it. I don't want to get my hopes up only to be disappointed again. I've finally started feeling normal again, and I'm too scared to risk falling back into that black hole. If I do, I don't think I'll make it out this time," Rae said, her eyes glued to the screen as she waited for Chris's response.

For a moment, the call seemed frozen, but then Chris wiped away a tear.

"No one would understand me anyway." She said on a sad laugh, trying to ease the tension.

"I would," he said softly. "Is there anything I can do to convince you to come?"

Rae shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

"I understand. I'm sorry." Chris said before closing his laptop.

Rae buried her head in her hands, feeling defeated. Jo, came back with drinks and saw Rae being comforted by Dale. She took over and rubbed soothing circles on Rae's back, trying to ease her pain.

"What did you decide?" Jo asked, hoping for a positive answer.

Rae sat up, looking defeated. "I said no," she said, her voice trembling.

Jo exhaled sharply. "What did he say?"

"He just said he understood and that he was sorry," Rae replied, her heart heavy with disappointment.

Rae made the decision to return home for Christmas, realizing that she couldn't keep running away every time she felt sad. It was time to get back into the routine of her life. And she just needed a cuddle from her mum. As she arrived at the airport, Rae couldn't help but notice the chaos of Christmas Eve. She had a fleeting thought to sit and people watch at the arrivals lounge, just like the scene in Love Actually. However, her desire to go home and be with her family was stronger.

As Rae met her mother in the carpark, Lorraine pulled Rae in for a warm embrace. "Hi my wee hen," she said, taking Rae's small case from her. "How was your flight?"

"It was fine," Rae replied with a nod. "It's always a great wee flight."

As they pulled up outside Rae's house, Rae noticed that her car was still in the same spot, glistening with frost. "You haven't put the tree up yet?" Rae laughed, knowing that her mother usually puts it up on the 1st of December.

"I didn't want to do it without you," Lorraine replied with a smile. "It didn't feel right."

Rae felt a sense of warmth and guilt at the same time. It was nice to be missed, but she also knew that her mental health spiral had caused her mother to miss out on one of her favourite things.

Rae strolled into the house, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of intrusion. "Did you forget to lock the door?" she asked Lorraine, who was standing in the hallway.

Lorraine's face turned red with embarrassment. "Oh, aye, I must have," she admitted, slapping herself on the forehead. "I'm such a fanny."

Rae shook her head in disbelief. "That's daft, especially at this time of year. Someone could have walked right in and stolen all the presents you hide from me in the airing cupboard."

Lorraine gasped. "Oh, you wee fucker! How did you know?"

"It's kind of obvious, mam. Towels stop being put in there on the 15th of November every year for the last 30 odd years," Rae replied with a smirk.

Lorraine muttered under her breath at being exposed. "Where are you going?"

Rae furrowed her brows. "Up to my room to empty my case and wrap your presents."

"Not yet. Go in and grab a seat on the couch. I want to hear all about your London adventures," Lorraine insisted.

"Can I at least go and get my jammies on? This bra is digging into my tits." Rae groaned, shuffling uncomfortably.

Lorraine's eyes widened. "No. Go sit down."

Rae muttered under her breath again, pushing open the living room door. But her heart stopped when she saw Chris standing there, sheepishly greeting her. She couldn't believe her eyes. Was he really real? And what the hell was he doing here?

Rae didn't know how to respond. She didn't feel like she was in control of her body or her mind. "I, uh...left something in the car," she stammered, storming out and slamming the door behind her."

"Rachel, wait!" Chris called out to her, his voice echoing through the quiet street as he chased her out. She turned around, her eyes blazing with anger and confusion. She couldn't make sense of anything right now.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded, her arms folded tightly across her chest.

"I had to see you," Chris replied, his voice cracking with emotion.

"How the hell did you get here before me?" Rae asked, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"My mom was listening to our call. She booked the flight for me before we ended the call," Chris explained, his eyes never leaving hers.

Rae glanced down at her feet, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her. "You told your mom about me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I told everyone about you," Chris replied, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

Despite the freezing temperatures, sweat was dripping down Rae's back. The shock of seeing him here, and her mother's deception, Lorraine could win a Golden Globe for her performance. It all left Rae feeling overwhelmed.

Chris drew in a long, deep breath. "I've been thinking of all the ways I can tell you this," he began, his eyes locked on hers. "To explain to you how I feel about you. I've come up with this...I love you. Simple as that. I love you, and I don't want to be oceans apart texting and not texting. I want you all of the time."

Rae's heart skipped a beat as she heard the words she had been longing to hear. "Why?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you," Chris repeated, his eyes shining with sincerity. "I loved you first, I loved you last, and I love you too."

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