Hello Pete, meet Tong.

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"Hi, sorry I missed your last like eight calls... I feel like there's not enough hours in the day.  I don't wanna leave voicemails, voice notes and texts. I want to talk to you in real time..."

Rae's chest ached as she listened to the message, they hadn't really spoken since Halloween. The distance was bleeding into their, whateverthisis-ship, it was beginning to erode.

"Shit...can I get five minutes to myself Megan?...Rae, I have to go... I have some time off for Thanksgiving, you guys don't celebrate it but maybe we could call. I don't care what time it is, I have to see your face. I miss your face." Rae heard it, a crack in his voice.
They were drifting apart.


She slapped the side of her head. They met once.

The voicemail ended and she began sending a voice note on iMessage.

"Hello," She started, cringing already. "I got your voicemail, I really hope you're okay. Tell Megan to gee you a break. I'm always available for FaceTime, but I'm glad you've got some time off. Just give me a call whenever. Love you too." She sent it.

He didn't
But she did

He didn't say "I love you." But she did, and to make things worse, she added "too."
Scrambling to unsend the voice note, her heart stopped.

The sight of three little dots caused her heart to fall into her stomach, her stomach and the contents of it to fall into her arse, basically she shit herself, not literally. But almost. There was still time for that.

No no no no.

"CRAIG!!!!!!!" She hissed louder than she meant to, across the office. Alerting the entire workforce, causing everyone to glance up from their coffees and computers.

Craig pushed himself backwards on his swivelling chair and scooted over to her, "Whits up?" He asked, his bright orange eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Craig was Rae's work bestie, or work husband who also happened to be a whizz when it came to tech. His ginger hair was as vibrant as the contents of a can of irn bru, which he had been reminded of daily.

"Craig...can you unsend a voice note?" She asked panicked, her hands trembling as she handed over her cell phone.

Chris's number had been saved as 'C🧢' so there was no indication as to who he was. She had been so terrified of saving it in the first place just incase, but once they had exchanged a few nudes, she plucked up the courage.

"Ayee," He said with an eye roll reaching for her phone.

"Naw, Craig...can you unsend it and delete it from their mind?"

Craig burst into hysterics, shaking his head and shimmied back to his own desk.

The three little dots appeared and disappeared, repeating the motion for a few minutes. Rae decided to lock her phone in her desk drawer.


'L. O. V. E. Y. O. U. T. O. O.'


The words cyclone around her head.

Days turned to weeks and still, Chris hadn't replied. Rae has been too chicken shit to message him again so she had reluctantly, and sadly written the whole thing off and decided to let Chris Evans go. On the out side that is. On the inside she was devastated, every conversation they had was replayed every night before bed. Actually any moment she had spare she replayed every moment she'd had with him.  She tried to trick herself into believing the whole thing had been series of daydreams.

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