Video Call

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"Rae, wake up! GET UP RAE!" Jo's panicked voice pierced through Rae's peaceful slumber.

Rae groggily turned over in bed, only to be met with Jo's wide-eyed stare. "Chris wants to speak with you," she blurted out.

Rae rubbed her eyes, wondering if this was all just a cruel joke. "Shut the fuck up," she muttered, still half-asleep.

But Jo was insistent. "I shit you not, he video called me on my Instagram," she said, her voice trembling with excitement.

Suddenly, Rae shot up in bed, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Shut your fucking mouth Jo. I swear to god, if this is some kind of prank-"

But before she could finish her sentence, Jo cut her off. "He's waiting for you through there," she said, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Rae wasn't really sure if she wanted to talk to him. He was just so confusing and she didn't know how she felt about him. Wide eyed, she turned to Jo for some advice.

"What should I do?" Rae asked Jo, hoping for an honest answer.

Jo sat on the edge of the bed and pressed her lips together. "You don't owe him anything, but you owe it to yourself to get an explanation," she said.

Rae wasn't sure what she needed an explanation for, but she knew she had to figure it out. "Well fuck." She muttered to herself and got out of bed.

Jo handed her a hairbrush and a scrunchy. "Do that sexy messy bun, the one that makes me look like Mrs. Trunchbull," she said with a laugh.

Rae couldn't help but laugh too as she did her hair and made her way to the living area. Dale was pacing behind the dining table, clearly nervous.

Rae sat down at the table and there he was on the screen, chewing his lip anxiously.

"Hi Chris," she said, her voice wavering slightly.

Chris let out a long sigh and smiled sadly, "I'm sorry. Fuck you're beautiful. And I miss you. And I'm so sorry." He said on one breath.

Rae furrowed her brow. "Sorry for what?" she asked, hoping Chris could jog her memory.

Chris took a deep breath and looked Rae in the eye. "I'm sorry for ghosting you," he said. "For dropping off the face of the earth and leaving you in the dark. I let my own thoughts and fears get the better of me."

Rae felt a lump form in her throat as Chris covered his face with his hands. She tried to hold back her tears, but they spilled down her cheeks despite her best efforts.

"I meant every word I said to you, Rae," Chris said, his voice soft and sincere.

Rae shook her head, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. "Don't fill my head full of shite, Chris," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "It's not fair to me or to you."

Chris glanced up, spinning his NASA hat backwards, "It's not shit. I promise." He replied quickly.

Rae shrugged stubbornly, "Thanks for your apology. Consider it accepted. It was nice knowing you." She stated readying to close the laptop.

She knew she was living in a delusional land if she thought that this was going any further. She had to regain control of her reality and stop clinging to the fantasy that she could ever have a relationship with Chris. Superstar or not. He was emotionally unavailable, and apparently she was emotionally dependent.

"WAIT!" Chris called out, "Please, Rae... just give... I'm not ready to let you go." His voice trailed off.

Rae opened the laptop slowly, "Let me go? I've not even been on your radar for weeks."

Chris bobbed his head, covering his face with his hands. "I know, I know and I'm sorry. What are you doing for Christmas? Come be with me, get on a plane right now, bring your mom, Jo and her fiancé. I need to see you in person." He said in another long breath.

Rae scoffed, what a beautiful notion. Running away to America to spend Christmas with a movie star. It's right out of a cheesy hallmark movie. But Rae had been burned, her light had been dimmed.  Rae was cynical now. Despite her love for Christmas 24, there was no way she could just up and leave for another country. It wasn't as simple as that.  Was it?

"I'm sure your family would love that, a random girl from Scotland turning up for Christmas dinner." Rae shook her head, "Sorry Chris, but it's no."

Chris shoulders slumped, "They would love you, I know it. Please?"

"I can't. I'm not in the right frame of would do more harm than good right now.  Even I know that."

Chris winced at her words. She knew that he knew that she hadn't been doing well. "I'm sorry about all of that too." He apologised again.

It would be the easiest thing in the world for Rae to blame Chris for her problems, but it would be fair to either of them. There was no rhyme or reason for her blip, it just was.

"It's not your fault." She said sadly.

Chris leaned closer to the camera, a worried crease in the middle of his brows forming. "Come be with me, let me look after you." He said on a breathy sob.



Do we think she'll go?
Should she go?
He's saying all of the right stuff and making my vagina ache in all the good ways.

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I had all of this story mapped out in a note book that has since gone missing so if any of you have ideas of where to take this please feel free to help me :') 

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