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By the time they had stopped kissing, the food was cold.
"Shit..." Rae giggled, feeling the cooled pieces of chicken.
Suddenly she wasn't so hungry anymore, she just wanted to go back to kissing, Chris, who incidentally wasn't speaking. He just sat across from her with a perfectly etched smirk peeking from the corners of his mouth.
"We need to eat." Rae groaned, blushing a little as her stomach rumbled.
                              Stop it—

"It'll be fine, I eat cold food all the time." Chris picked up a piece of meat and took a small bite.
His eyes rolled in the back of his head, "ohh it's so good. Here..." he holds out his hand inviting Rae to eat it out of his hand.
Leaning in she tilts her head taking a small apprehensive bite.
"Okay..." She moans, taking another bite, "It's pretty tasty."

Chris lets out a little airy chuckle, "Mhmm, told you." He plants a gentle kiss on her salty lips.

Rae's stomach flips. Her heart dances. Her lips buzzed.
                               Oh no.

It wasn't long before they devoured the food, leaving nothing but the shredded cabbage salad. Chris admitted that he didn't quite like it, and Rae said the same. But it wasn't entirely true. She did like it; it just gave her a windy tummy. And it was bad enough being in this close a proximity with a movie star, imagine having to fart.

"Pick a movie." Chris shouts from the bathroom.
Rae grabs the remote from the side table pulling up Netflix, "Alright, what do you fancy?"
She can hear Chris chuckle; he loves her little Britishisms.
"Anything!" He calls in return.
"What's Your Number, ah but I don't like Anna Faris much." Rae mumbles flicking through the movies.

Chris climbs onto the bed beside Rae, close enough that the intimacy between them stays, but not too close that he comes across like a predator.
"Anna's great, so down to earth. Really nice girl. The first joke she'll ever make it about herself. She kinda reminds me of you a little." He winks as she turns around to gawp at him.
"You know Anna Faris?" Rae asks, eyes as wide as the moon.
"Well yeah, I'm in this. But I agree let's not watch it. I hate watching my own movies."
"Shut the fuck up. You are IN this movie?" Her mouth hangs open in a wide smile.
                                     No fucking way.

For a minute she forgot he was a movie star. He felt more like a friend that she had known for years. Like this was information he had withheld, like having a boyfriend. Or a fiancé. Maybe not quite as traitorous.
"Yeah." Chris feels his cheeks burn.
Rae flops onto her front, not caring that she was exposing her bottom parts to Chris.
"Who, who are you in this?" Rae scrunches her eyes up trying to focus on the thumbnail, "Chris that you there?"
He rubs his temples trying to look anywhere but at her He begins to twitch beneath his boxers, desperately trying to hold onto ever shred of decency he has.
"Yeah that's me." Chris moans.

Upon hearing the frustration in his voice, Rae turns around.
"We don't have to watch it if you really don't want to. I just didn't recognise you." Her tone dips apologetically.
Chris shakes his head softly, "Its not that. Pick whatever you want."
"Whit's the matter then?"
"What's wrong?" Rae had to force her thick west of Scotland accent down, softenit a little.
Chris dismissed her with another shake of the head, "It's nothing, press play."
"Not until you tell me what is wrong." Rae began to get defensive, her insecurities heightened as she realised that he was still a stranger, and she was his guest.If she had done something to upset him, she wanted to know. Also, she was like a dog with a bone when it came to this kind of stuff. Rae wasn't about to let it go.
"It's not-" Chris leaned in tucking a loose strand of her thick dark hair behind her ear, "I was just in my own head for a minute...I'm good. I'm out now."
Chris is transfixed on Rae's lips; she took her bottom one between her teeth and sighed.
"Fuck." Chris huffed out, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Rae's brows knitted together, she could feel fire building in her belly.
"Fuck whit? What's the fuckin' problem?" She snapped, folding her arms across herchest.
Chris didn't say a word, he just kept his eyes screwed shut.
"Nah, fuck this. Listen, thanks for the kiss and the shower. But I think I'm gonna go, I get the feeling you've got a wee bit of residual regret or something. So, I'll get changed and head off." Rae slides off the bed, searching around the room floor for any of her belongings. Her cheeks were burning, how could she have been so stupid?
"Rae..." Chris grabbed her wrist halting her.
Trying to pull away she looked up through watery eyes, "Naw, it's fine."
"It's just that..." Chris continued.
"It's just that you're having second thoughts, and that this crazy Scottish girl was too forceful and she kind of lowkey insulted one of your famous friends and then tried to force you to watch one of your own films. I get it. I'm sorry." She brushed away the tiny tears that fell down her cheeks, twisting her mouth into a false smile.
"Rachel...can I call you Rachel?" Chris grabs hold of both her hands, intertwining his fingers with hers.
"No." She tried to pull herself free.
Chris had to bite the inside of his cheek to stave away the ache of laughter that sat in his throat. Rae was being adorable if not a little standoffish, it was endearing.
"Rae..." He held her arms by her side following her gaze until she focused on his eyes, "I want you."
"Want me to what?"
"Stay. Kiss me. Let me kiss you..." Chris gulped, "All of you." Arching his eyebrow as he takes a step closer.

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