Chapter 13

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After school I went alone to the bus station. I waited for my bus. While I was waiting I scrolled through my tik tok. When I got home I wanted to go to the stable. So I got all my stuff and changed my things. I Was ready to leave. But I wasn't ready for that.
You are probably thinking for what. I am gonna tell you.
I went there and I saw a familiar person. Brown hair, brown eyes and an asshole. It was james brown. God.
But I have to admit that he looks good like really good. He was wearing a rider Uniform. And beside him is a horse that I have never seen. I think it's his. It was a black frisian omfg. I didn't wanted to Stare but holy shit. When he sat on the back of the horse let me tell you how good he looked. But I shook it off. I just went inside and there he was. My favourite boy. Calimero. A brown horse that I have known for like forever. I loved him with my whole heart. Today I was going to show a person our stable. It was ofc james brown. Well what am
I supposed to say but today is my day!

So I approuched that douche bag and said Hello. He turned around and smirked. 'Well Hello nice to see you again y/nn.' Wow what a great entrance. I just turned around and started explaining everything. But everything I said something he just started laughing. I was pissed. So I turned around and asked 'What is so funny that you have been laughing for half an hour.' 'I think your cute when ur mad' he said while smirking. God I wish I could scratch this smirk out of his stupid good looking face. Omg y/n what are you thinking??

Okay so I am not gonna tell you what happened After that because I am way to pissed. I went to the bathroom and showered, brushed my teeth and changed into my pjs. I went to bed. The next day my alarm went on. I did my morning routine and went downstairs there he was smiling at me. 'Charlieee' I screamed and hugged him. 'God it has been a while' he said. We went to the bus station and did our usual thing. We listened to music and talked.

Wind in my hair. He was there. Sitting  on a Park bench thinking to Himself hey isn't it a beautiful day . I smiled at him and he waved back at me his cheeks were turning Red. Wow did i make him blush no that can't be.

Chralies POV
So yesterday while y/n was at the stable Nick invited me to his house. God it was the best day ever. We played Mario cart ofc I won the whole thing. And I met his super cute dog Nellie. She is sooo cute. I can't get over it. We had a lot of fun.  We took pictures. We had the time of our life. And today I saw him on that Park bench. I waved at him. From the corner of my eye I could see y/n smiling at him. And he waved back. Did he wave back at me or y/n or both. I don't know. But I wanna know.

Y/n pov
So After that we both went inside and  to our lockers. I took my books out. My next lesson was english with Charlie and Nick.

Okay I know this is a short Chapter. But I think I want to Keep it this way. I think some of you will recognise some sentences. And I wanna thank you guyss🫶🏻🫶🏻 this story got so much love in These past weeks. I can't tell you how thankful I am. I even gained some followers. Soo thank you all soo much🫶🏻🫶🏻😭 I love you guys.
And I have a question. So I have been thinking if I should buy me this book. I don't know if you know it but it's called 'my policeman' I watched the movie and I loveeddd it soo much. So I wanna ask did you read it and are you recommending this book to me?
If there are any mistakes feel free to tell me. I didn't correct it so Yeah. Love you all soo much🫶🏻🫶🏻🤍🤍🤍

Heartstopper x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora