Chapter 4

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The person said smiling at me and looking at me with puppy eyes.
I felt something strange in my stomach. I have never felt that before.
I couldn't say anything. I felt my cheeks turnig warm. Wow I really blushed. Charlie was just standing next to me not knowing what was happening here. I wanted to say something but I just couldn't say it. I was so nervous. Finally I said something.


I'm Nick Nelson by the way!
Nice to meet you

He put his hand in front of me. First I didn't get it but now I know that he wanted to shake my hand.

I'm Y/n
Y/n Y/L/N
Nice to meet you too!

I said while taking his hand. Wow his hand was really soft and warm. The strange feeling in my stomach got only worse. I know it sounds kinda creepy but I didn't wanted to let go off his hand. It was really soft and it gave me a feeling being safe. I wanted to stay like this forever but sadly I couldn't. I let go off his hand.

So do you have a ,,guide" who is going to show you around?

Oh man was he really asking me if he could be my guide?
Damn! I really wanted to say 'No I don't have a "guide". Would you like to be my "guide" but I couldn't because Charlie was already my "guide" Damn it!
Ohh good I almost forgot. Charlie was standing right next to me. He was surely wondering why I didn't answered Nicks question already.

Yeah actually I already have a guide
It's Charlie!

I said scratching my neck.
I could see the sadness in his eyes and a little bit of emberassment.

Ohh ok
Well then see you around
I hope we will see each other again soon!

He said it with a cute smile. I blushed.


I said and then he left kinda confused.

What was that?

Ohh man I don't know
Can I tell you something?
But promise me you will say it to no one!
Pinky promise?

Yeah always.

I don't know what it is but I kinda have a weird feeling in my stomach.

Wait really?!
You have butterflies!
Do you have a crush on him

I don't know.
I mean I just know him for half a day.
But maybe...

Omg he is your first crush!

Shhh don't say it so loud!
I don't want them to know
And besides I am not sure

Tao,Elle and Isaac:
You don't want them to know what?

They asked in the exact same time.

Nothing just talking bout some shit.


So Elle do you have "guide"?

Tao asked me if he could be my "guide" because he thinks that it will be fun

We all laughed. And than went to the Cafeteria because it was Lunch time or something. I mean I don't know. It's my first day here so. Suddenly somebody interrupted my thoughts and not just a person HE interrupted me. He walked into the Cafeteria laughing at a joke. God Was that smile beautiful. It could Light up whole New York City. I am so in Love. I was starring. God somehow I wish that he is in my class but somehow I don't want him to be in my class because I think that I couldn't concentrate when he is sitting there and maybe laughing. I really have to learn not to Stare at him but I think that this will be difficult.
Suddenly Charlie interrupted me.
God why do I always get interrupted by someone.

Hi what are you thinking about
I hope it's not a person

God Charlie!
I think that I have a crush on him

Wait you have a crush on someone?!

Suddenly Tao,Elle and Isaac Stare at me with confused Faces.

Yeah mabye Well....

Who is it?!

It's Nick...
Nick Nelson

No wayyy...
That Golden Retriever

We all laughed at Taos answer.


That Golden Retriever

We all talked a little bit and then we left the Cafeteria.
We went outside and then suddenly Charlie saw Ben kissing a girl.
Apparently this girl was Bens fake girlfriend because he didn't wanted anyone else to know that he is gay.
I saw the sadness in Charlies eyes. He almost started to cry. He ran away to the bus Station. I followed him. When we arrived to his home. He ran upstairs in his room. He still hasn't said anything since he saw Ben kissing an other girl. We were in his room and he layed down on his bed.

I laid down next to him. He started to cry. I put my arm around his shoulder and then he cried into my chest. I tapped his back.
After 30 min he stopped crying.
Man my heart Broke seeing him crying that much over Ben. He took his phone out and started to write Ben. He texted him that he doesn't want to see him ever again. He put his phone away and said

Thank you
That means much to me

I will always be here for you

I take my phone out of my pocket because I forgot to Text the group why Charlie and I suddenly left.
I wrote them something that i came up with and then I put my phone right away. And I turned back to Charlie. I spent the whole day there. I said to my parents that I will sleep at Charlies house. I ran quickly to my house and packed my stuff for the sleepover. We were playing games to clear Charlies mind. We were playing Mario Kart 8 deluxe and of course he always won. But that made him a little bit happier. We went sleeping at 10 p.m. I was excited because tomorrow Charlie would show me around.

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I hope you enjoy this Story.
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