Chapter 2

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My alarm set off. I woke up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth und put my school Uniform on. It was 7:25 when the door bell rang. ,,Muuuuumm! Open the door. It's Charlieeee!!" I said with excitment.
I ran down the stairs to see the most beautiful smile in the World. ,,Charlieee" I said excited. ,,omg I missed u soo much" he said. We hugged each other what felt like forever I wanted to stay like this forever. I kinda have to admit that I really missed him so much when he was in the US. I can't imagine a life without him. After 1 Minute of hugging we went out to the Bus Station.

,,Sooooo..." I said sneaky. ,,What?" he asked me confused. ,,U wanna tell me about the big changes?" I asked. ,,No not really!"he said with the cutest voice ever. ,,Ohhh c'mon man! Anyways where is Tori by the way? She is always going with us to school." I asked. ,,Ohh she went earlier because she wanted to meet her friend or something like that. I don't know. It's not like she talks much." Charlie said. ,,Heyyy that's mean! I said. We both plugged our headphones in one ear and listened to y/f/m (your favourite music). It was great. Charlie was after a long summer back home with me. We were finally there at Truham Boys School. Charlie went off the bus and he said ,,Byee see u soon!" We hugged and he left. I had to drive a little bit more Stations than Charlie because Higgs School was way more far away than Truham School for Boys.

I went to the multipurpose room. On my way there I saw a familiar face. I run to te person. ,,Hi Elle! I missed you so much." I said. ,,Y/nnnnn! Hi how are you? I missed you sooo much." She hugged me really tight. ,,I can't breath." I said gasping for air. ,,Sorry" she said. She let go off me and we both bursted out into big laughters.
,,Did you heard about the big changes?" I asked interested. ,,Yeah but I don't know what they mean with that. I hope it's nothing bad."she said. ,,I don't think that they are bad...." I said when someone interrupted me ,,Wait you know what the changes are?" Elle asked me. ,,No if you would have let me speak out than you would know that I texted yesterday with Charlie and he said that he thinks that I would love the changes and he also said that he already looooves them." I said.

We went into the multipurpose room and sit down. Elle and I were still talking a little bit. The Headmaster came in and we all had to stand up. The Headmistress said: ,, Hello everyone! Please take a seat." We all sit down and then she starts to talk. ,,Well how you all know there are gonna be a few changes that are kinda huge. We are going to Truham School for Boys!! I have been talking a lot with their Headmaster in the summer and we both decided that it would be better if the Truham and the Higgs would be one school because than we would have more students. So we are going to move to their school. We are all gonna help pack the things and tomorrow you will be going with the boys to the Truham-Higgs School!!! So we are gonna do that now and of course there are going to be new rules but we are gonna tell you later about it because the rules are also for the boys. Good luck and have fun packing the things!" the Headmistress said excited.

OMG!!!! I'm so excited!!! Now I know why Charlie loves the big changes. I am going to the same school as Charlieeee. Suddenly someone tipped me on my shoulder. ELLE! ,,Omg I'm so excited we are going to the same school as the boys! she said excited. I agreed. We both run out to the corridor and started to pack the things. After a few hours of packing we were finally done. The cars were waiting outside. We put the cartons in the car and then we could go home. A few hours went by. While I was driving with in bus I listened to y/f/m (your favourite music).

I was finally home. I run the stairs up and put my backpack on the Floor. I rush out of my room and run to the Front door. I see the confused Looks on the faces from my parents. I quickly say:,, I'm going to the same school as Charlie!!" The looks on they're faces were now only more confused but I didn't care I slammed the door and run to Charlies house. I ring at the doorbell when finally a familiar face opens the door. ,,Charlie!!" I say. ,,Y/n what are you doing here? Why are you so happy? he asked with a smirk on his face. ,,What?! Can't I visit my best friend and hang out with him and besides you know why I am so happy! I said. He smirked and let me in. We went upstairs to his room.

,,Sooooo. You are gonna probably need a person who is gonna show you around the school tomorrow and maybe you want this person to be me?" he said. I smirked. ,,Why are you smirking?" he asked. ,, I would love to have you as my guide!" I finally said.
He laughed and hugged me. I was at Charlies house till 20 o'clock. We were listening to music. He teached me a little bit how to play the drums. He said that I was already a Profi. And we were playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe of course the King in this game won all the rounds we were playing. Anyways we had really fun. I finally came Home and told my parents about the big changes. They were happy about it.

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