Short Breathers

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(Third Person)

Nima and (YN) snuck around the city using alleyways. The sun was down so for now, we had to find a place and bunker down. We found a factory and snuck in. It didn't take long for the workday to end and the place to empty. I found an office room and led Nima there. " Alright. We can take a breather here for a while. " (YN) said. " Alright. " Nima agreed. The pair sat down on metal foldout chairs and began to relax. (YN) remained alert and sat near the door while Nima sat near a corner and took off her face covering. 

He took out his phone and called Nik. " Is Nima still secure? Are you alright? " She asked. " Yeah, we're both alright. You want to talk to her. " He replied. " ...No. Listen, HomeRun. You need to leave wherever you are and break the burner phone we gave you. Your attacker has been using it to track you. " She explained quickly. " Figured that out earlier. " The assassin chuckled dryly. " Good to hear. " Nik acknowledged. " Our new friend is Saju Rav. Ex-Special Forces. " 

(YN) gripped the phone tight in anger. " Are you away from the team? " The assassin asked. " Yes, why? " Nik questioned. " I think you know why. You don't want them to know you fucked up big time. Saju works for the same man you do. Nima told me. " (YN) revealed angrily. Nima grew uncomfortable at his tone. 

" You're right. We were both played. When Saju told me to hire a crew, I reminded him most of the Enterouge's funds were frozen. "Nik explained. " He ordered me to go ahead and said he had a plan for the money. Turns out it was to leave me in the dark and kill you all. " The assassin grunted under his breath. 

" Yeah, well he failed. For all I know, that means you did too. " He growled. " What are you insinuating here? " Nik questioned. " How am I supposed to trust you now? It's not looking good knowing there's no money to pay me. " (YN) replied angrily. " By holding Nima, you hold the cards, HomeRun. I promise I'll find a way to pay you. " She assured nervously, her calm and professional demeanor shattering. " Just keep Saju off your back and get Nima to us. " 

(YN) took a breath and looked at Nima. She was horrified and started to tremble. (YN) waved his right hand dismissively and tried to calm her down. " Listen to me, Nik. If you don't get my money after this is over, I will bring this matter to the Association. And you know what getting excommunicated means. " He threatened. " It won't come to that. " Nik claimed. " See that it doesn't. Now, what's the plan? " (YN) urged. 

" There's a clearing on the east side of the Sultana Kamal Bridge, just outside the city. Armando and the rest of the team can get you out from there. " She explained. " Alright, how far? " (YN) asked. " Four kilometers. " Nik answered. " Sounds good. I'll call you again soon. " The assassin said before ending the call. He put his phone back in his pant pocket. " Dammit. " He muttered under his breath. 

" Clusterfucks are apart of the job but it doesn't mean I have to like them. " (YN) sighed and looked to Nima. Her breathing was heavy like they were in another combat situation. She repeatedly glanced from (YN) to the door. " Nima, everything's fine. Don't do it. " He warned her. The drug lord's daughter took her chance, jumping from her chair and dashing for the exit. " Dammit! " He raged and lunged at her. 

(YN) pushed Nima back against the wall and pinned her wrists above her head. " Let go of me! " She cried. " Listen to me! " He ordered. " I'm sorry for scaring you. We've been running for so long, you haven't had time to truly realize your situation. None of that was directed at you. I'll explain everything, just calm down. Please. 

" Nima took a few deep breaths before nodding. " Alright. I'm gonna let you go. Don't try that again. I'm not the one trying to hurt you. " The assassin said before slowly letting her wrist go and stepping back. Nima hesitantly walked back to her chair and sat down. (YN) returned to his. He watched her calm down while contemplating his choices. Nima started to play an imaginary piano. " Is that how you deal with stress? " (YN) asked. " Yeah, my father hates when I do it though. " Nima replied with a sad smile. 

HomeRun: MCU X Assassin Male Reader SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now