Path to Safety

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On a rooftop, a few blocks from where Nima was held, Amir Asif sat on a short staircase. In front of him was a group of scared young boys, all surrounded by his suited guards and his second-in-command and lead enforcer, Shadek. A blond white woman wearing an olive green shirtdress sat on the railing, softly humming the Russian military song, White Army, Black Baron. Shadek prowled around the children before grabbing one. 

The other kids scurried out of the way as he approached one. The enforcer grunted aggressively before grabbing the boy's arm and pulling him to the railing. " No! No! Amir, no! Amir, no! " His chosen victim pleaded and cried in Bangladeshi before Shadek hurled him over the roof. The woman whistled a falling sound while watching the boy splat on the sidewalk. " I don't think he survived that. " She thought jokingly before restarting the military song. 

Amir sipped a fruit drink. " Son of bitches. " Shadek muttered. He stood in front of the remaining boys. " Anybody feel like they remember now? Huh? " Nobody speaking up yey only enraged him further. Shadek grabbed another boy. " Wait! " The oldest boy intervened. " I know... " Shadek huffed and let the boy go. " I know who took the money. " The older boy promised. " Who? " Shadek asked. " Sanjib. " He replied. 

" Who the fuck is Sanjib? " Amir's enforcer asked. " You just threw him off the roof. " The older boy claimed. Amir chuckled. " Come here. " He ordered the boy and took his glasses. " What's your name? " The older stared at the ground before looking up. " Farhad. " He replied. " Farhad. You're pretty clever. " Amir complimented. " He tilted his head to see the other boys. 

" Pay attention... And learn. That's how you survive. You need to be smart. Use your wits. Eh, Farhad. " Amir took out a switchblade and handed it to Farhad. He hesitantly took the reward. " Now, cut off two of your fingers. Any two. " Amir ordered. " Why? " Sanjib questioned. " Because the kid who stole from me is dead. And I'd like a walking reminder of what happens when you touch my money. " The drug lord replied maliciously. He leaned back. 

" I'd recommend the left hand. You'll need your right if you ever want to shoot for me. " Farhad gulped before lowering the blade toward his hand. " Amir! " Someone shouted as he swung open the rooftop door. " I'm talking, Colonel. " Amir scolded. " We lost the kid. " The police leader reported, getting an amused giggle from the woman. 

" Sounds like an extra paycheck. " She thought. His boss glanced between him and Farhad, tsking in disappointment. "Clever and lucky. " Amir remarked and opened his palm. Farhad returned the knife before rejoining the other boys. " Close the city. Bridges, trains, airports... Call it a terrorist threat or something. Close everything. " He ordered. 

" Impossible, Amir. " The colonel denied. " Make it possible, Colonel, or you'll lose more than a finger. We live in a forsaken world where people can disappear for five years and return out of thin air. " The colonel said nothing and went for the exit.

(YN) and Nima made it to a forested area where they would meet up with the other mercenaries and board the boat. He stopped the car and got out to open the trunk. " We're almost there. Let's go. " The assassin said. (YN) helped her out of the car before taking out a bottle of water and an energy bar. He chugged half of the bottle then quickly tore open the wrapper. " Eat up, quick. You can relax on the boat. " (YN) ordered. Nima quickly drank down the bottle and devoured her half of the bar. The assassin quickly ate his and turned back to the trunk. He opened a secret compartment and took out a modified MP7 submachine gun. 

" Listen, Nima, you wanna survive, you do exactly as I say. " He said sternly. " Okay, alright, " Nima agreed. " Arms up please. " (YN) ordered. The drug lord's daughter obliged and received a tactical vest. He quickly strapped it up before stepping back and taking out his phone. (YN) prepped a recording. " Name. " He said. " Huh? Um okay, Nima. Nima Mahajan. " She stumbled. " HomeRun reporting in. We're heading to the extraction point. " The assassin stated before ending the message.

As Nima and (YN) trekked through the forest. Nik Calmy paced around the hotel room as her intelligence members worked and receive the recording. The mercs not on the boat were performing maintenance on their gear. " Flip phone tracker remains online. HomeRun and the girl are en route. " The female intelligence operative confirmed. " Nik smiled lightly. " Good job. Bring her home. " She thought. 

" Keep up. We're almost there. " (YN) assured Nima. Gaetan made it to the forest and lined his sights on the boat just in case something went wrong. " It's G. I'm in position. " He said on the comms. " At the hotel, Yaz and Nik reviewed the video. " That's proof of possession, all right. When will you send the funds? " He asked. " As soon as they get on the boat. " Nima replied. " Good deal. " The intelligence operative agreed. 

Thiago and Jose stood on the deck and watched the forest for (YN) and the girl. The two mercs heard an alarm go off below deck. " There's an alarm going off in the engine room. G, I need you to be my eyes. " Thiago said on the comms. 

" Been on it. " Gaetan agreed. " Nothing so far. " 

HomeRun: MCU X Assassin Male Reader SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now