As Zumi watched Izuku play on his phone the door opened making Izuku look up. A woman with white hair and red highlights on the end walked in. She had glasses on that covered her grey eyes and was beautiful in a nerdy type of way. She was wearing a black skirt that went to her knees barely covering them with black leggings underneath, her upper half was in a white casual blouse. Izuku looked at her with suspicions on instinct but cooled down after psyching himself down.

???: Oh you must be Shimura-san. My name is Fuyumi Todoroki, I'm the head teacher for the Elementary students but I focus mostly on the math for them. I assume this is Zumi-chan.

Izuku: Ah nice to meet you Todoroki-san. Yes, this is my daughter Zumi, so you're giving us a tour?

Fuyumi: Yes, I am sir. Now please follow me and I'll show you two around.

Izuku picked up Zumi holding her up as they followed Fuyumi through the door.

Fuyumi: As you know this is the administration building where all the staff is located along with their offices. So, if you ever need to talk to me or any other teachers just come here. You didn't hear this from me but we're trying to get a second building since we are going to implement a middle school soon.

Izuku just smiled at the antics of the women as she lead them outside and soon to one of the nearby buildings, she took them inside showing a typical hallway of school but heavily decorated with various art and posters. 

Fuyumi: This is the main building for the elementary and preschool students, each floor is for an entire grade and as they go through the years they move up a floor to the next grade until they graduate from the building.

This confused Izuku as he remembered seeing all those other buildings.

Izuku: If this whole building is the elementary school, then what are all the other buildings for?

Fuyumi: Oh, those are the buildings for the clubs and activities.

Izuku's eyes bulged at that making Fuyumi giggle as she lead them outside again to walk by the buildings.

Fuyumi: Yep each of these buildings is for activities a student may be interested in, since the last two classes for children are their own choice. So, they go to the building that intrigues them to learn something new but the levels for each floor are about the same as the elementary building but instead focus on the mastery of the concept. The reason they want to do this is that one day we would like to make this campus a genuine multi-grade level school. That means a pre-k, elementary, middle, and High school on one campus.

Izuku: A great goal to have, so what are the buildings' specialties?

Fuyumi: Ah, good question. So for the remaining eight buildings, there is Art, Science, Quirk, Mechanics, Drama, Technology, Clubs, Music, and Sports Study. The sports study is in the gym over there if you're wondering. We plan on adding more buildings for different studies but that's for when we add the Middle School and High School. So, what is Zumi interested in for hobbies?

Izuku put Zumi down as they reached a small park in the campus allowing her to check out the equipment while he and Fuyumi talked on the bench.

Izuku: Well she's kind of a jack of all trades at the moment, which kind of makes me jealous since I sucked at everything when I was younger. She's extremely athletic and very smart. Currently, though she is really interested in Art, Technology, Music, and... heroes.

Fuyumi: You don't seem too pleased about the hero part. Something wrong?

Izuku sighed as he watched Zumi casually scale the playground house until she was on the roof before posing like All Might. Fuyumi looked genuinely shocked at watching a 5-year-old do it so casually.

Izuku: Your probably going to see this on her record soon anyway. Zumi is quirkless. Yet her dream is to be a hero, which worries me, especially with how strong quirks are becoming. Plus she has some disabilities as well which I hope your school can handle if you don't mind the quirk part that much.

Fuyumi: Oh, of course. We have a strict no quirk intolerance policy. So, of course, we'll help with any problems Zumi may have.

Izuku glanced at her for a second checking to see if she was lying but he couldn't see an ounce of deception from her. Izuku smiled as he turned back to Zumi.

Izuku: Zumi has a mild case of autism and ADD. Both don't affect her intelligence or any motor functions but both cause her to be socially awkward. Autism makes her not understand complicated emotions or to be able to read the mood. While ADD makes her prefer to be alone but yet at the same time wants to interact with her peers.

Fuyumi: Oh, that is a tough case but I and the staff will do the best we can. Can I please get your and your wife's number so I can contact you if anything comes up for her? 

Izuku: Of course, but it's just Zumi and I. The mother backed out of this a while back.

Fuyumi: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Izuku: Don't be she wasn't that great of a person, to begin with.

There was an awkward silence for a second as Izuku gave Fuyumi his phone number and vice versa. However, the mood improved once Zumi came back with a hop and Izuku finally made the girl properly introduce herself which she did awkwardly. Soon Izuku and Zumi paid their farewells after Izuku had formally registered Zumi into the school where she would start next week.

Once home Izuku was cooking dinner taking glances at Zumi who was drawing a small doodle of Fuyumi on a piece of paper which unfortunately still looked better than anything he could make. Once finished with dinner, Izuku stood in front of the bookshelves once again with a look of determination. He picked up the book that had been haunting him for a while and turned to the couch where a sleeping Zumi could be seen knocked out. Izuku had a soft smile before turning to a frown as he opened his journal.

Izuku: 'Anything for you, Zumi. Anything for you.'

Operation Puppetmaster

1. Takeover the Drug Trade in Japan

2. Erase all the Gangs except one

3. Conquer the remaining gang

4. Destroy the Human Trafficking Ring

5. Control the Smuggling Ring

6. Kill the corrupt politicians

7. Hunt Safety Commission Heros

8. Expose the fake heroes and take care of them

9. Kill all the Crime Bosses

10. Find the LOV and AFO, and kill them

11. Destroy the Meta Liberation Army

12. Tear down the Safety Commission


*End of Chapter*


Sorry for the late upload been working quite a bit. Also, sorry for the filler chapter but it needed to be done. See you next time.

Next Chapter: Ch.5 Cleanse and Control

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