The end of the war

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Ezra lowered his head and saw the sword planted in his side. However, he didn't step back and firmly caught the arm of the soldier who had stabbed him, then used magic to set him ablaze.


Ezra ignored the chilling scream of the burning soldier and removed the sword from his wound.

He couldn't help but wince at the agonizing pain and stumbled as he tried to take a step forward; but people wouldn't stop fighting only because of his injuries.

On the contrary, the soldiers took this as an opportunity and attacked him to finish him off, only to be ruthlessly killed by Ezra's magic.

Ezra used flames to create a path for him as he ignored the pain and walked through the battlefield.

"Big sis."

A stunning woman turned back at his call and noticed his injuries.

Behind her, a soldier took the opportunity to brandish his sword and charged at her.

As Ezra was about to warn her, the already weary woman fended a soldier coming for Ezra and embraced him, shielding him from all the incoming attacks with her body.

Ezra's eyes shook.

Was he a burden? Should he have not come to her?

Why was his always strong big sis having so much trouble to deal with these soldiers? Was she also able to get tired after fighting for so long? So she wasn't invincible?

"Big sis!"

The woman used magic and engulfed the soldiers in shadows, creating a wide empty area, then used one arm to put away her sword.

She released Ezra from her embrace, letting him collapse to the floor, and knelt to his eye level.

"Youngest." She called in a soft but firm voice.
Ezra bit his lips as he gazed into the pink-haired human's emerald eyes.

The woman put her hand on his head.
"Hatred only brings resentment and war. Don't take revenge, it will only bring you misery."

As Ezra began to tear up, the woman smiled gently.

"Youngest, you are a failure as a demon king, you know that?"

She lowered her gaze, her long eyelashes putting a shadow over her face.

"So, instead, from now on, instead of living as a demon king, you should live as a human."

Ezra stayed silent, gritting his teeth while the sounds of fighting resounded around them.

The woman took off an earring and put it in his hand.

"There, this is an artifact that will allow you to hide your horns and hide among humans. With this, you can transform into a different person."

Anna, one of the only humans in the demon realm and the one Ezra considered as his older sister despite being from two different races, gave a bright smile.

"Geez, don't make this face, or else it will become depressing..."

She pulled him back into a hug, hiding her face in his shoulder while her shadow magic continued to engulf and disintegrate the soldiers trying to approach them, making them earn some time despite the considerable toll it took on her magic power.

"I have... always wanted to attend Twilight Academy. I have told it to you many times, didn't I? In the human realm, there is a prestigious school named Twilight Academy. It was my dream to go there, but I guess I won't be able to."

The Tale of the 73rd Demon King Where stories live. Discover now