Millie x Priya🌹

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Since total drama had a reboot, two young girls met and became best friends forever! Both of them spent lots of time together, and already went through bumps in their friendship.

Yet one of them, Millie, has felt something weird lately. She never felt like this before and hardly could compare it to anything else. Yet Millie just thought it was a common thing in a friendship. I mean, in which one you never felt like you couldn't take your eyes of a friend, seeing their face filled with joy and just doing stuff only you thought was adorable, and this burning sensation on your cheeks, haunting you for the rest of the day...?

Millie was invested in her feelings just now, doing research just to make sure. Upon surfing the internet, she discovered many sites with answers she desperately needed. The answers were mostly telling that it was a crush. Millie just couldn't believe it, having a crush on your bff? That's impossible! Or is it?.. Millie became very doubtful of her thoughts. After some time though, once she thought about it, it became very clear that she does have a crush on her bff.

Priya and Millie decided to have a picnic together. And the former one was going to organise it. Millie felt a bit nervous after realising she had a crush. They decided to set the picnic on a small hill next to Priya's house. Millie came to that place earlier than supposed to, so she just started waiting. She leaned onto a big, flowy tree. It's branches were sticking in different ways, like they were trying to catch something or reach the sky. Green leaves were covering Millie's face and body from sun's rays. The breeze stroke into girl's nostrils, somewhat calming and freeing her from concerning thoughts for a second or two. Millie noticed her bff walking up on a hill with a basket in her hand. She had a bun with a blue dragonfly hairpin, a dark cyan flowy dress, this outfit complemented yellow belt and sandals. Mille melted when she saw Priya being the most beautiful girl on Earth.

— «Hii!! Ready for the best picnic ever?» - asked Priya, putting her hand on a hip.
— «Of course!» - answered Millie, having a humble tone.
Priya pulled out a cover with sage green patterns and spread it across the ground. She sat on it, inviting her bff to do it too. Millie sat on a cover, staring at a basket and the food that Priya got. She pulled out sandwiches, a bowl with grapefruit, a packet with candies and gummies and a bottle with juice. Millie thought the food looked yummy, yet she wasn't fully happy about that. And her friend definitely noticed that:

— «Is something bothering you?..» - Priya asked, looking a bit concerned over her bff. — «Is it the food? Those sandwiches are with ham. I-I don't know if you're a fan of meat...» - Priya lightly touches her cheek with her palm, looking worried at Millie, patiently waiting for an answer. Millie really didn't know how to respond to this, since she was partially thinking about this whole condition she's in.

— «I-It's not the food...» - Millie takes a deep breath, still hesitanting. — «It's just that.. i've got this one weird feeling whenever i am around you. I'm still q-quite unsure about it, but since we're BFFs, i thought i could share it with you.»

Priya hesitated a little, looking back and forth on Millie and the picnic. It's like she was mentally preparing for the worst, so after a few seconds, she nodded with a smile, allowing her friend to talk.

— «You know, ever since we became friends, it was definitely a new experience for me. I never met someone like you before, yet right now... i am not sure if this is really normal, but i feel very attached to you. Like, i really like spending time with you and i don't want this to end. Sometimes i even feel like i want to kiss you-» - Millie did not expect to admit it, she didn't even think she was feeling exactly that, but honestly that was the closest thing she could describe her thoughts with.

— «Kiss me?» - clarified Priya, slightly blushing.

— «Y-yeah, i guess. I don't know..» - Millie felt confused as well as Priya, yet she still continued. — «I also can't easily get you out of my head. At this point, i feel like i have a crush on you...» - Millie really hesitated to continue. She felt like this could be the end of their friendship. What if Priya will react the worst way possible, what if the similiar thing will happen like at the finale? Instead Priya came up to her and hugged her tightly.

— «It must've really tough for you to confess me this. And you know what? I honestly had a similar feeling. I thought this was just the part of a normal friendship, but now i realise it's just more than that. I have a crush on you too, Millie!» - Millie stood there in shock, feeling overwhelmed and yet relieved. She wrapped her arms around Priya, hearing their hearts beat at a fast pace. Everything that was happening right now made Millie wonder what'd they do then. It felt like their lives took a 180 degree turn, yet in reality hardly anything changed. The only thing that changed is how they perceive each other.

Millie and Priya spent the afternoon eating food and discussing random topics, not as friends anymore.

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