Chapter Fifteen

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“Welcome home,” Edd greeted the pair, walking through the door. They had been gone for two days. For some concert. Or so that’s what Tord told Edd.

Edd took the liberty to try to search for this concert online and found nothing. He found it odd, but it wouldn’t be surprising Tord could find something underground. But why would Tom ever want to go with Tord? Edd thought.

“You guys are back. I’m starting to feel like I barely see you and we all live in the same house!” Matt joked, turning around to look at them.

“Very funny,” Tord remarked.

Tom walked in and closed the door behind him. He threw his bag on the floor.

Then he let out an audible sigh. Edd took notice.

“So, how was the concert?” Edd asked with curiosity.

“It kinda sucked, especially because Tord was there,” Tom said, making his way to the couch. He sat between Edd and Matt.

“Whatever, it wasn’t that bad. I would even say Tom more than tolerated my presence.” Tord spoke while taking off his shoes.

“Ha,” Tom mumbled.

“You must not hate Tord that much, considering how much time you guys are spending together.” Edd laughed.

“Assuming isn’t a nice thing to do,” Tom said. He continued to close his eyes as he listened to the conversation continue around him. I’m tired, he thought. But at least I’m so not hungry...

He continued to zone out and relax on the couch. He was about to fall asleep when he felt someone poke him.

“Tom?” Edd asked.

“Yes?” Tom responded.

“We are talking about getting pizza for dinner. Is there anything in specific you want?” Edd said.

“I’m not hungry right now, so I don’t care. I’m actually pretty tired. I think I might just go to bed now.” Tom sighed.

“It’s only six,” Matt said.

“I know,” Tom slowly stood up from the couch and stretched.

“He just did so much today, you guys. Sitting around is hard.” Tord said after sitting down in his spot.

“Shut up,” Tom frowned.

Edd was wondering if he should take a risk and try to convince Tom to stay. What harm could it cause...

“Are you sure? Even if you’re tired, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat. I’m sure it shouldn’t take long, either. They’re usually not busy,” Edd said, trying not to be pushy. Tords eyebrows raised.

“Oh, um,” Tom winced, “I guess you’re right. I guess I’ll try to stay awake and eat.” He walked over to the recliner and sat back down.

Yes! Edd cheered in his head. “If not, I’ll just tickle you awake,” Edd threatened.

“Now I’m definitely staying awake.” Tom looked over. Edd smiled. And Tord was giving him a strange look. “Stop looking at me like that.” He mumbled.

“Me?” Tord said, holding his hand to his chest.

“Yes, you, nobody else’s face is as scary as yours,” Tom said. Tords eyes widened.

“I beg to differ. You should see what your face looks like.” Tord dramatically shook in fear. Tom looked away and crossed his arms. Stupid... But he’s probably not wrong.


The food arrived around forty minutes later. And while Tom felt tempted to go, he didn’t. Everyone gathered around the kitchen table.

“Hey, I was gonna take that slice.” Tord frowned at Edd.

“Well, I got it first, so too bad.” Edd smiled. Tord tried to steal it from his plate, but Edd snatched it away.

“Meow.” Tom looked down to see Cosima.

“Hi there. Did you miss me?” He responded.

When Tom explained to Edd that he had suddenly found a kitten, Edd had no problem having another cat around. Tom agreed he would always have to scoop all the litter for having to buy more pet supplies.

So far Cosima and Ringo have been getting along. Cosima is just a little too energetic for Ringo.

“I think she has. She wouldn’t stop meowing at your door. Speaking of your room, I opened the door to let her in, but you’ve got to clean your room. I can help you,” Edd suggested.

Tom blushed in embarrassment. “That would be nice...” Tord laughed. Edd punched him in the arm.

“Ok, sometime this week, then?”

“Yeah,” Tom said. As he looked down at his plate, he thought about when the last time he ate pizza was. Hmmm, it hasn’t been that long, has it?

He picked a slice up and ate it. It didn’t taste bad. It was actually good. But despite that, Tom still felt he’d rather be sleeping.

After finishing the slice, Tom put the other slice he took back.

“Are you sure you don’t want any more?” Edd asked.

“Yeah, thanks for the pizza. I’m gonna go to bed now.” Tom stood up and picked up Cosima. “Goodnight.”

“Night,” everyone responded.

As Tom walked to his room, he couldn’t help but wonder why Edd seemed so concerned today. Did Tord tell him something? He wouldn’t. We agreed. Tom felt his anxiety rise.

Edd sat at the table and looked at the one empty seat. Something is better than nothing. “Hey, can I ask you something, Tord?”

“Ask away.”

“Does Tom ever eat when he hangs out with you?” Edd questioned.

“Yeah, he doesn’t eat a lot, but we usually get some type of food. Sure wish he had some money, though. I’m getting tired of buying him meals.” Tord complained.

“I see.”

Heres a drawing I made a few months ago

Heres a drawing I made a few months ago

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Authors note: hey y'all, im sorry I don't post more but I have clinical depression so no one can be upset with me. I also have a job now so that's changed my schedule a little bit. Sorry if this chapter sucks. Until next time.

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