Chapter Eight

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It was dark with the exception of the bright light shining above Tom. Tord sat near him, in a chair with a desk. Simply messing around until Tom woke up again. He wondered why Tom was still asleep. It wasn't even that much tranquilizer. Maybe he is just tired, Tord thought.

Tord was impatient, he wanted to know what the hell he had witnessed. At this point, he wasn't even sure Tom was human. As if his eyes weren't off-putting enough, he can just transform into a monster too? Tord was still very conflicted, he's known Tom since they were kids.

How could he possibly hide this from them for so long? If he wasn't human maybe it was just something that comes with maturity. Tord scribbled his thoughts into the notebook beside him. Where he planned to record the answers Tom gave him.

He looked over at Tom when he finished. His eyebrows furrowed the longer he looked. Like he was trying to make Tom wake up with his mind, or just understand him. He thought about going to shake tom until he woke up, but that would probably piss him off. And Tord knew Tom was already mad enough.

Suddenly he saw Toms's eyebrow twitch. He unconsciously held his breath as he watched Tom wake up.

Tom tried to open his eyes, but immediately closed them when he felt the bright light hit them. "Fuck." He whispered silently.

Tord simply observed Tom. It appeared he didn't know what was happening yet. If only he knew how to wake his ass up, Tord thought. Tord moved his elbow slightly.

Unknowingly he had hit a pen with it, then the pen slowly rolled until it hit the floor. This was enough to make Tom open his eyes again. He immediately realized he was tied up to a chair. What, he thought.

Tom looked over to the source of the noise only to find Tord looking back at him. "You're finally awake, took you long enough," Tord said leaning his head into his hand.

"Where- where am I? And what is going on?!" Tom said, his voice scratchy. He was trying to remember how he ended up here.

"You don't remember what happened?" Tord said standing up.

"Obviously not, right now I'm just assuming you've gone crazy," Tom responded. "Where even are we?"

"Why would I tell you that? I suppose you could say I am crazy, anybody would be after they had seen what I did." Tord said grabbing a cigar from his pocket and pulling out a lighter.

"What are you talking about?" Tom asked.

"I'm talking about you, I saw you sneak off last night. And change." Tord recalled.

Toms's eyes widened. He suddenly began to remember the events that brought him here. That stupid asshole used tranquilizer on me! He remembered.

"What do you even want for me?" Tom said with his newfound anger.

"Woah, I would calm down if I were you. I'm not the one who could possibly be some dangerous alien or mutant monster." Tord said blowing smoke toward Toms's face.

"I'm not a fucking alien!" Tom yelled and he tried to dodge the smoke.

"You're not convincing me, you fill all the checkboxes. No eyes, weird as hell, you can transform, and who knows what else." Tord said circling around Tom and starting him down.

"Let me out of here now," Tom said looking back at him. He was shaking slightly, but that was in fear.

"No can do, I haven't gotten a single answer or explanation from you. And I need some type of answer. Or should I tell Edd and Matt about it? Maybe you would answer them."

"Please, no one is gonna believe you anyway. You'll just make yourself look bad. And they have nothing to do with this." Tom reacted.

"I have evidence, you're just making this harder than it has to be. Just give me some type of explanation of what I saw." Tord asserted.

"I don't want to talk to you, you basically kidnapped me. God, let this just be a stupid nightmare." Tom said squinting his eyes shut.

"I'll tell you right now I'm much nicer compared to if the government caught you. You would be getting poked and prodded at, they would be constantly running tests and taking samples and they sure as hell would treat you like shit. All I'm asking you for right now is an explanation." Tord let out. He sat back down in his chair and dropped the ashes from his cigar into an ashtray.

Tom continued to squint his eyes in silent prayer. Suddenly his stomach grumbled loudly. With his nerves off the hook, it didn't help. It hurt too, he hadn't eaten in a while. Tom winced while Tord grimaced.

Tord had partially forgotten about Tom's other issues. Clearly, they are all connected. That's probably why he doesn't want to talk about it. How do I make him trust me? Even for a second.

"Tom, I know you don't trust me but I don't want to hurt you. Look, if you tell me I promise to leave you alone. I won't bother you about this once I have an explanation. And I promise I won't tell anyone." Tord exclaimed.

"God fucking damn it," Tom complained. They both sat there in silence for a while.

"Are you being serious? Will you really stop stalking me?" He asked.

"I swear, I will stop stalking you. I think that's a bit harsh wording."

"I beg to differ, that's exactly what you've been doing. I should file a restraining order on your ass." Tom said glaring at Tord. Tord rolled his eyes.


"And you promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I'll let you kill me if I do otherwise," Tord suggested.

"I probably would," Tom whispered. He let out a huge sigh. Why is this happening to me, I don't want to share this with anyone. Especially him. But I suppose it's too late for that.

He turned his head to look at Tord. "So?" Tord asked.

"I- I'm definitely not an alien that's for sure. This is not something that had happened my whole life. It's definitely not something I knew would happen. I don't know how this happened to me." Tom explained.

"When did this start?" Tord asked.

"Around two years ago. I randomly woke up and at first, I had no idea what was going on. I was covered in blood. I only remembered what happened in a nightmare."

"So you don't have any control over transformation?"

"No. That's why I don't eat. Because eating makes it easier for me to transform. And I don't want to hurt anyone." Tom said.

"How did you realize the correlation between the two?" Tord asked.

And for a while, they went back and forth. Tord asked Tom questions and he answered back as best as he could. Tom couldn't help but feel incredibly awkward as Tord asked him intrusive questions.

Tom really had no idea why he was even telling Tord the truth, he could easily lie. Maybe the sound of being left alone sounded incredibly nice. Or maybe he was still a little woozy from the drugs.

Or maybe he just wanted to tell someone the truth for once. Even if it's someone he hates.

He knew this would all end up backfiring at some point but he was too tired to care about the near future.

"And that's all I know about it. I don't know why it started, or where it came from or anything like that. I'm done talking now so let me go." Tom said.

"I can not do that, unfortunately," Tord said getting up.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Tom yelled.

"Calm down, I didn't mean it like that. You're just in a private location right now. So I'll have to tranquilize you again. Just so we don't have any problems." He said pulling out a syringe from the desk.

"Bloody hell," Tom mumbled.

Authors note: now that it's summer I should be able to write more chapters than usual so that's good. I wasn't quite sure how to lay out this chapter but hopefully, it's ok.

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