Chapter Seven

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Tom slowly opened the back door. It was early and he knew that there was a good chance no one was awake. But that didn't mean he was going to let his guard down, not with the way Tord has been acting lately.

Looking around the kitchen everything seemed quiet enough. He let out a small sigh while he closed the door behind him. His body felt sore like he was just a pile of disintegrating bone and tissue.

The soreness after his gruesome transformations we're never fun to deal with and he would usually just drink a lot to ignore it. But this time it felt different. And Tom couldn't figure out why.

Tom then decided he was gonna take a shower before he went to lay in his bed all day. Peeping his head around the corner it was still eerily silent. Suddenly Tom heard a purr.

He looked down to see Ringo rubbing against his legs. He bent down and started to pet her head.

"It looks like I've been caught." He whispered smiling down.

"It appears so." The hair on Tom's back immediately stood up.

He wanted to yell because he knew exactly who scared him but he felt frozen in fear. He knew he looked a mess.

"Geez, someone had a rough night," Tord said walking from behind him and looking up and down at Tom.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Where did you even come from?" Tom said finally snapping out of his state.

"Shut up! You're not the only person in this house you know. No need to yell." Tord responded with a grin.

"You asshole. We're you just waiting around to scare me? You have a lot of nerve." Tom said holding up a fist in Tord's direction.

"Bold of you to assume. I just woke up and wanted some water so I came to the kitchen then I noticed you coming to the back door looking like some crazy person. So I decided to mess with you a little." Tord explained while picking up Ringo and holding her in his arms.

"Yeah right, whatever. Just leave me alone." Tom said walking past Tord. He didn't feel like talking to him at all.

"Aw, you're not even going to tell me where you went last night?" Tord said with a fake pout.

"It's none of your business," Tom said glaring at him.

"Hmmm, you didn't happen to pass by a small store? what was it called? Quick shop or something like that. Sort in the rather abandoned part of town." Tord asked as he took a seat on the couch setting Ringo down next to him.

Tom once again froze. Only this time he didn't feel like he could ever recover. An awful feeling of dread filled his body. He followed me, didn't he?

"Hello earth to Thomas, are you there?" Tord said turning around to look at Tom. A full grin sprawled across his features.

"No, why are you asking?" Tom let out trying his best not to stutter.

"Oh, so that wasn't you?" Tord said in a rather disappointed tone. "I didn't know there are lots of people walking around with void eyes and spiky hair. What an interesting crowd." Tord said getting up slowly and approaching Tom.

"What are you talking about? Why are you just spewing out bullshit?" Tom responded as his goosebumps only grew the closer Tord got to him.

"I think you know exactly what im talking about. Some of us aren't good at keeping secrets." Tord said discreetly pulling something from his pocket.

At this point, Tom was ready to throw up. His brain was filled with nothing but panic and fear. Is he going to lose everything? What was Tord planning? If he could end it easily he would definitely do it right now.

Just as Tom was about to respond he felt a pinch on his arm. How did he not notice Tord has gotten so close to him? He looked over to see he had been stabbed with a needle.

"W-what the hell!" Tom said panicking and pushing Tord away from him. Tord almost fell but managed to stay up. "What was that, what was in that!" Tom demanded. He watched the small smile on Tord's face, and it filled him with nothing but dread. All of a sudden he began to feel tired.

"Try to relax Tom," Tord said getting closer to him once again.

"No-" Tom let out. He then fell to his knees. He was too tired to stand. How could I let this happen? Why did I let this happen? How stupid am I?

Tom honestly thought Tord would never go this far. He shouldn't have been so naive. Tord might be crazy, but he isn't stupid and he's capable of doing something if he wants to.

Tom was now completely laying on the ground,  his eyes fighting to stay open. Tord hovered above him with that same stupid smile.

Finally, Tom couldn't fight it anymore and his eyes shut leaving him passed out on the floor. "Night," Tord said silently.

Finally, I can start learning more about this. It was way easier than I thought it would be to knock him out. I thought he would put up a serious fight. He looked more scared than I'd ever seen before. Just what are you hiding Tom?


Authors note: hey people im really sorry I don't write more often but man is it difficult. I know nothing about tranquilizers but hey that doesn't matter. This obviously takes place in a crazy world. I'll stop rambling now.

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