Chapter Thirteen

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Tom stood behind Tord as he tried to open the door.

"It's not that fucking hard to unlock a door, Tord," Tom commented.

"Shut up. Something is clearly wrong. I need to change this lock, anyway. That is what you're supposed to do when you get a new place." Tord said, fighting with the door.

"If you don't unlock this door in thirty seconds, I'm doing it," Tom said.

Suddenly, Tom heard a small noise coming from around them. "Whatev-"

"Shhh!" Tom said, listening closer. It couldn't be.

Meow. Tom heard the mewing of a small cat. Oh no, I hope it's ok. Tom immediately ran off the porch and pinpointed where the sound was coming from.

Tord stopped to look at him. "What are you doing?" Tord said, confused.

"I hear a cat, and I'm gonna find it," Tom said with determination.

"No, there's no need for that. We do not need a cat around here, Tom. It's probably one of the neighbor's cats or something." Tord exclaimed.

"Here kitty kitty. Click click click." Tom whispered. Tord looked at Tom with disappointment.


"There you are!" Tom picked up a scrawny-looking kitten. It looked about six weeks old. "Oh, my goodness." Tom held the cat and looked into its big eyes. Its fur was messy and covered in dirt.

"meow." the kitten responded.

"is it old enough for that? What if she's not ready for solid food?" Tom questioned, holding the kitten while sitting on the couch. She was drying in a towel.

"Ugh, I'll just get both types of food then. Would that make you happy?" Tord snarled.

"Very," Tom smiled, "hurry and close the door. You're gonna make the kitten cold."

"If it's expensive, you have to pay me back," Tord remarked. Then he closed the front door.


"That's what I think too. He sucks," Tom said. He lifted the kitten into the air and observed it.

"What to name you?" She was a calico cat with yellow-green eyes. "Hmmmmmm."

"Cosima?" Tord laughed. "That's a stupid name."

"Your name is the stupidest name I've ever heard, so I don't see why you judge." Tom snapped back. Tord squinted his eyes.

"Whatever, like I care what you think. But I don't think we can keep this cat in here. It's gonna have to be an outside cat." Tord said. Tom gasped at him.

"Why would you say that? Don't you know outside cats' lives are significantly shorter?" Tom questioned.

"Don't you know this probably isn't a safe place for a cat? Need I remind you why we're even here? She can not stay in here." Tord crossed his arms.

Tom frowned because Tord was actually right for once. I wouldn't want Cosima to get hurt. Thinking about it, I don't want her anywhere near here.

"What if we just find a nice home for her or something?" Tom suggested.

"If you want to do that, feel free, but don't expect me to help you." Tord sighed.

"Fine then, but she can at least stay inside until she's better, right?" Tom pleaded.

"Yes, but you better watch her and make sure she doesn't go places she shouldn't be. And just don't get to attached to her, that will make it hard to find her a home. Do you understand?"


Around two weeks had passed, and Cosima was looking better. She was a rather calm cat, but Tom figured that was better than having a crazy cat.

Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to stay there much longer. Tord was almost done with his renovations with the basement, and Tom was fighting the urge to transform.

He was surprised at how well he was stopping himself. But he was worried about Cosima and accidentally hurting her. He shivered at the thought.

In the past week, he went around asking neighbors if they would be interested in owning a kitten. What he didn't expect was for them to ask about him.

"Oh, you're one of my new neighbors. I have a question. If it's not too much to ask?" said the neighbor.

"Sure," Tom replied.

"I've noticed you guys never stay the night. Are you just renovating to rent it or something?"

"Oh," Tom rushed to think of something to say, "This place is kinda just like a hangout place for us," Tom said awkwardly.

The neighbor squinted at him. "I see."

After a few more houses, Tom found someone who seemed like they could be a good owner. It was a young woman who already had one cat. She even introduced her cat to him and he looked happy enough.

It was finally the day he had to give Cosima away. He picked her up and looked into her eyes. "I'm gonna miss you." he sighed.


Tom sighed. He went to go get her crate so he could walk her to her new home. Once he got it, he picked her up to put her inside, but surprisingly, she put up a fight.

"Hey, you shouldn't be scared of the crate. You've never even been in one before." She escaped from his hands and ran away. "Come on."

Tom eventually gave up after ten minutes of chasing her. He threw himself on the couch and sighed. A few minutes later, Cosima came and sat on his lap.

"You really don't want to leave, do you? But it's not safe here."

Tom decided to call the young lady and tell her the deal was off, and that he decided to keep the cat. Now he just needed to find a safe place for her. Maybe Ringo wouldn't mind a friend.

Authors note: Y'all I am really sorry I haven't updated in months, it just slipped outta my hands is all. I'm gonna update more. I know this chapter is kinda just filler bit that's ok

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