"Wow, that's kinda awful." She said after telling her what had happened earlier. "You should've called me immediately, I would have strangled them with my spaghetti."

You laughed a little on her attempt to insert a joke while you sniff. You have calmed your nerves for a little now while your eyes remained swollen.

"But you know Y/N, you'll definitely need to face him to clear things up at one point."

"Yeah, but I don't think I wanna talk to him for now."

"That's okay. It's okay Y/N. Sometimes, you just needed some space to think things through. And hey, it's my off tomorrow sooo... Maybe I can be up tonight and take you somewhere?"


The following day, there's still no update of your whereabouts.

Sanji sent Kid an audio message of him being angry and cursing, Luffy and Ussop were in the background audio as well. Kid only replied with an audio saying 'Fuck off Vinsmoke. Lucky for you, Y/N is your friend or I would've slit your throat for real!'

As much as your friends wanted to find Kid and be mad at him, Robin and Nami told them it would be a waste of time and energy. None of them knew what exactly happened so it would be much better to focus on finding you.

Kid was about to go out early and search for you again but to his surprise, a familiar car just arrived in front of the gates followed by Killer's van along with Heat and Wire's individual cars.

Kid placed his thumb print to open the gate and let them in.

"I was trying to contact Y/n but wouldn't answer so I decided to go here early." Katakuri said when he got out of the car, Perospero and Cracker came out as well with paper bags in their hands. Killer and his brothers got out of their own vehicles too but with a worried look on their faces. It's not going to be a nice visit today, they're sure of that.

"Hey, what a great timing to visit. Everyone's here." Cracker greeted the Eustass Brothers. Little did he know, shits about to go down. The Eustass brothers exchanged glances for a moment and remained silent.

"Something is wrong, am I right?" Katakuri spoke upon observing the brothers are not acting normal. Killer decided to step forward and be honest about the situation.

"At the moment, we have a problem. We are currently looking for Y/n, she was not home since last night."

"What? Why?" Peros became worried.

"She had uh... had an argument with our brother." Heat spoke.

"I heard she had a lot of argument with your brother but what do you mean look for her?" Cracker said, his enthusiastic grin turned upside down and was replaced with a sharp glare on the red head.

Quickly, Katakuri went to grab Kid's collar. Killer didn't try to stop him as he understood Katakuri's reaction and Kid deserves that.

"What the fuck did you do now?" Katakuri spoke low with venom while Kid remained looking straight into his eyes.

"I'm trying to look for her, we'll fix this alone so le-"

A punch cut his sentence as he fell roughly on the ground, leaving him enduring the impact of the punch and the pain in his back. Katakuri never looses his cool but it's different when it's about his siblings. No one shall ever be hurt while he's alive.

Heat and Wire ran to help their brother to stand up while Cracker added more fire to the heating commotion.

"Fix what?! What did you do to her!" He shouted as he carefully placed the bags down. "I bought these in the Philippines for Y/N" Cracker muttered then went charging to the commotion. He wanted to lay a punch on Kid but Heat blocked his way, poor man received the knuckles instead.

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