Why the hell do I always gotta run into someone.

I thought I was in the clear until he came walking in my direction.

Nate: I thought I smelled your cheap cologne, I seen you run out the aisle. It's really like that man

I just kept shopping like I didn't hear him but he ended up following me down every aisle.

Zac: What do you want Nate?

Nate: I want us to be boys again.

Zac: That's never going to happen.

Nate: I fucked up I admit it but I was going through some shit and I wanted to hurt you. I felt like I was losing you.

Zac: Nate there's no coming back from what you did and the constant disrespect I can't do it anymore. I'm done we're done.

Nate: Really Zac

Zac: Dead ass I got things to do I gotta go.

Nate: Well fuck you too then

Zac: But you've changed yeah okay

I checked out and left his ass right where he was. Nate will never change he's been this way since we were kids. Always felt like someone owed him something and that everyone should excuse him for all the stupid shit he does.

Pulling up at the house I knew Fatima was gone say I been gone long she already texted me while I was at the store.

Fatima: What took you so long , I needed helping hanging up something

Zac: It was traffic then I ran into Nate at the store

Fatima: Really how did that go?

Zac: Same ole same ole he's changed and he's sorry. But when I told him we will never be cool again he said fuck me

Fatima: Thought he changed

Zac: That's what I said. What do you need help hanging?

Fatima: I got it now

Zac: You better not be standing on chairs you could have waited miss impatient

Fatima: I didn't have to reach far, I'll wait next time

Zac: You better or I'm going to remove everything you can stand on then you have no choice but to wait

Fatima: I'm sure I'll find another way, I'm just kidding

Zac: Well here is your items I am about to go get dressed

Fatima: Okay I'll be right behind you once I put this stuff up

Everyone should be arriving shortly I couldn't wait to share the good news. Let's see if black people can show up and be on time.

I decided to put on this cute flowy dress my stomach was starting to poke just a little.

Zac: You look beautiful as always

Fatima: Thank you babe you look good too. Baby Taylors parents look good

Zac: I agree

He wrapped his arms around Fatima and held her little poking stomach.

Zac: You ready

Fatima: Yes I am more than ready

Zac: This is going to be a an amazing day

Fatima: Yes it is giving Zac a kiss

Fatima didn't know Zac had something planned for her. People slowly started showing up everyone was all smiles and happy. This is how it should be no drama just love.

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