Keizsa worked tireless for hours on end, breaking only when it came time for Noori to leave. She pulled herself from the meditative trance her magic lured her into, blinking and breathless.

"This is difficult," she winced, gazing up at her progress so far. "Even more difficult than I imagined. I hope I haven't underestimated Vidonia's magic."

Noori stopped short at the unfamiliar name. "Who?"

"Minty," Keizsa said with a disdainful curl of her lip. "That's just a nickname. Her name is actually Vidonia, but I started calling her Minty when we were children because she always smelled like peppermint plants." Her rueful sneer sank into a sad frown. "I was actually surprised when you told me that she still goes by it."

"Hey." Noori tenderly brushed a loose lock of raven hair out of Keizsa's eyes. "Are you going to be okay?" 

The witch forced a smile. "Of course I will." She leaned her cheek into Noori's palm. "What about you? Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Noori replied with a shrug.

Keizsa nodded. "I'd hug you but I don't want to get paint on you."

Noori laughed in spite of her nerves.

"Just remember," Keizsa pressed on. "If you don't make it back before sunrise you'll have to wait until the following night to find the door again. Be safe out there."

Keeping just enough distance between them, Noori leaned forward and stole a kiss. The air around them swam with Keizsa's magical aura.

"Don't worry," Noori assured her. "I'll see you before sunrise."


The dark streets of Fernweh felt especially cold and damp compared to the warm cocoon of Keizsa's studio. Noori shuddered as she looked around, trying to get her bearings. The looming shadows of the surrounding buildings slowly began to take shape and Noori realized she was still some distance from where she and Toddrick had agreed to meet. She set a brisk pace for herself and hurried on her way.

Perhaps it was the fear, but Noori couldn't shake the feeling that something about the city had changed. Gone was the familiarity she had come to appreciate in the dark streets and the camaraderie she had imagined between herself and the people who prowled and roamed in the night. The unease made her paranoid; every sound made her jump and the eerie sense that she was being watched followed her around every corner.

The sign for the pub she'd picked as a meeting spot shone like a beacon in the lamplight. Relieved, Noori sprinted to get beneath it, as if the sign provided sanctuary from the things she could not see lurking in the night. A ruckus sounded from inside but the street in which Noori stood shivering was desolate and bleak.

"Noori?" Toddrick's whispered voice nearly sent her leaping out of her skin. She whirled on the spot, turning frantically until she saw her friend step from the shadows beside the pub.

"Toddrick!" she yelped, nearly bursting with exhilaration. She rushed into his outstretched arms and didn't even flinch when his embrace threatened to squeeze the air from her lungs.

"Where have you been?" he hissed, holding her back to see her better. One of his hands clutched a small canvas sack while the other kept a tight grip on her arm, as though he thought she might vanish the instant he let her go.

Noori shook her head. She had too much to say and she worried not much time to say it all.

"My father. Is he alright? Is everyone safe?"

"Of course," Toddrick assured her in low, concerned tones. "He's worried sick about you but he's safe. Everyone is, why wouldn't they be? Come on," he glanced around, disquiet in his eyes. "Let's get out of the open."

The Witch's PatronHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin