Chapter Thirteen.

Start from the beginning

I inhale a deep breath and reply to him, "take care of it then and have it here with you by the time you come to the house."

He replies almost instantly, "Good morning, how we feeling?" He asked in one message, a second one came in and it reads; "Soonest I can have it is late morning or early afternoon, the suns not up yet boss, nothings open."

I ignored the part of his message where he asked how I'm feeling and replied with, "send a truck back out to Saint Frances, I wanna know if Ang went into labor last night, Dion sent me multiple messages checking in but nothing about them. Dismiss him from this morning's rally."

"Yes sir."

I don't bother replying to his last message. I slowly get out of bed and turn back around to kiss my wife on the face, tucking her deeper into our blanket ensuring she stays warm and gets plenty of rest.

I make my way over to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me as quietly as I can and turn on the light when I know it won't hit Hailey in the face and nearly wanna rip my throat open at the reflection that's staring back at me in the mirror.

I don't recognize myself and it immediately makes me sick.

For the first time in my life I actually have bags under my eyes -most likely due to the lack of sleep, which usually never happens. I've ran off of two hours of sleep and have looked way more alive than I do now. We're running on about three hours of sleep this morning and I can promise you that I feel a lot worse than I look, mentally and physically.

It took me about almost an hour to fall asleep after Hailey and I came back upstairs and climbed back into bed, I couldn't stop my mind from racing, it still doesn't feel real, I still can't comprehend that he's really gone but the paperwork for his funeral arrangements on his desk, the death certificate says otherwise.

Turning on the faucet I lean down to splash my face with cold water and instantly hiss at the freezing temperature but continue to wash my face, waking me up completely.

I grab one of the hand towels that's hanging on the wall to the left and dry my face and bare chest from some runaway water.

I have every right mind to crawl back into bed with my wife when I step out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom and I do just that actually. I climb back into bed and set my alarm to go off in an hour and a half, 7am, this way I can shower and be ready by the time Dominic is here.

Wrapping my arm around Hailey I pull her closer to me and bury my face in the back of her hair and sleep immediately welcomes me.

I get startled awake the second time my alarm goes off and quickly reach for it before it can wake Hailey up and shut it off, wanting to snooze it. I throw the blanket off of me and sit back on the edge of the bed still feeling dead but it's not as bad as when I first woke up at five in the morning.

I grab my phone and head into the closet to grab a quick outfit to throw on after the shower and head towards the bathroom. It's a little before 8am when I step out of the shower and throw my clothes on. The forty minute shower definitely didn't feel like forty minutes, in fact it felt like twenty minutes if I'm being honest but I think that's just the sleep deprivation talking.

I grab a pair of socks and throw my shoes on before I'm walking over to the bed and kissing Hailey on the side of her face before leaving the bedroom.

It's exactly 8:08 am by the time I've managed to drag myself down stairs to find Dominic already sitting in one of the two chairs in front of my fathers desk, scrolling through his iPad.

"I didn't expect to find you here so soon already," I say as I walk into the room, the air immediately getting thinner; I can't fucking breathe in here, the room smells like his cologne, his cigars, him.

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