I roll my eyes as Jason adds, "Next order of business. We gotta teach you the laser flip. It's only—"

"No, hell no, absolutely not," I object, waving my hands dramatically. "My ass hurts after you guys just watched me fall for hours."

"That's the whole point, duh," Evan smirks. "It's hilarious."

"Good to know you care about my health," I mutter.

"I know someone who does," Jason says with a mischievous glint in his eye.

I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Who?"

"Your boyfriend," Will answers for him as he points just past my shoulder.

I look behind me, and sure enough, Cassius Connor is watching me from the distance with a fond smile. I wink and blow him a kiss before turning back to the guys.

Their jaws drop as they stare back at me.

"What?" I say, confused. "Why are you guys acting weird?"

"Ha!" Evan says pointing accusingly. "You didn't deny it! Guys, he didn't deny it!"

A shocked laugh tumbles out of Will. "Holy crap."

Jason adds, "You're actually dating?!"

"Damn," Will mutters, punching me on the shoulder. "You are terrible at bro code. You are supposed to tell us these things."

"Oh, shut up," I huff before turning around and gesturing Cassius over. He hesitates for a second before his steps lead him onto the skatepark terrain.

The first thing Jason does when Cassius joins us is stand next to him and cross his arms as he looks between Will and Evan expectantly.

"Well, guys," he says. "Am I more attractive than him or not?"

"Not even close," Evan mumbles.

"Yeah, what he said," Will adds, looking Cass up and down as if he is appreciating my boyfriend's looks like every straight man would.

Jason pouts before sulking and squeezing in between the two idiots who are mocking him.

Cass is looking at me uneasily, but I settle his nerves as I toss my arm around his shoulder and pull him close to me, giving him the goofiest grin I can. His hard edge melts away at the touch of my hand.

"Well, you caught me," I say exasperatedly. "This guy right here..." I tickle Cassius' side which causes him to clamp his mouth shut and elbow me in the rib cage. "...Is my lovely boyfriend Cassius."

He stomps on my foot when he detects the sarcasm in my voice.

"Ow, dipshit," I grimace, before shoving him away from me.

The three guys in front of us just watch our playful interactions with shit-eating grins.

"Um, question," Evan chimes.

"Hm?" I hum as Cass pulls me closer to him by grabbing my shirt.

"How the hell did you manage to pull him?!"

"I mean, I wasn't actually going to say anything, but we were all thinking it," Will comments.

"Oh, fuck you guys," I huff, leaning further into Cassius's hold.

"You know, I ask myself the same question," Cassius' deep voice says, adding salt to the wound.

Jason snorts, "I fucking love this guy."

I just grumble a whole line of curses under my breath as I go fetch my skateboard. When I return, Cass's brown eyes follow my every move all the way until I'm standing in front of him again.

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