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I thought maybe I should tell something about them xD

Sherlock Holmes (sherly)

Just imagine him looking younger

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Just imagine him looking younger ._.

17 years old

1,73cm (still growing)

His older brother is Mycroft

Parents are dead

Is sick since he is 5

Likes : mystical/riddles, sicence books and ofc loves L.. don't say Louis lol >⁠.⁠<

He his childish and doesn't like to be touched..

Afraid of doctors / hospitals tries to hide it.

William James Moriarty (Liam)

William James Moriarty (Liam)

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21 years old doctor

1.82 cm

Was adopted by the family Moriarty

His younger brother is Louis
(real brother)

His older brother is Albert

Likes : mathematics, books and the human body (to study don't think something else you pervert maybe Sherlock's bod... He he )

He is mostly calm don't smile often he is a very talented doctor.

Smokes do make his mind more clear.

Louis James Moriarty

Louis James Moriarty

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21 years old doctor

1,80 cm

Younger bother of Albert and William

Likes : his two brothers, cleaning, care about youngers like kids and teens

Is seems like he is a quite boy and hates Sherlock but deep down he cares about him..

Has a scar on his right cheek

John Watson

23 years old

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23 years old

1,79 cm

He was a medical soldier in Afghanistan

He has a good heart

Father figure of Sherlock

Showing interest in Mycroft..

Mycroft Holmes

Mycroft Holmes

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25 years old

1,88 cm

Chief of the War Office's Intelligence Branch

Just smokes when his younger brother isn't near him.

Takes care of Sherlock since they're parents died.

Don't show it but really loves Sherlock and takes care of him in Secret

Mostly calm. If he is comfortable he can also laugh a lot or talk to much.

~I'm thinking about make John and Mycroft as a couple idk what do you think as a side couple tho..?


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