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" Jimina let's eat our lunch here " he said as we went into a restaurant near the entrance .

" We'll order Dak -baeksuk (whole chicken soup) , dak - bokkeum- tang (braised spicy chicken ) and dubu - jeongol ( tofu hot pot ) . Jimina do you wanna eat anything else ?" he asked me and I responded with a no .

" We'll bring your order in 15 mins sir " the waitress said and left . "Aah hyung you ordered the most famous dishes here " I said while pouring water from the jug filling both of our glasses .

"Yess indeed , I ate those the last time I came here . It was good " he said after drinking the water . The food arrived after 15 mins and we started eating .

He took a tofu using the chopsticks and brought it near my mouth to feed me . I look at him surprised . "Hyung you scolded Tae for asking to feed each other earlier ?" I asked him .

"Rules is rules , this had to be romantic anyways . Now will you eat my hands are paining " he said and I quickly ate the tofu .

I also feeded him and the blush on his cheeks were visible to me . I just smiled at him and continued eating . I paid for the food this time and we got into the car . I started playing some music as he started driving .

* Christmas tree by V starts playing*

"Our Taehyungie sang this beautifully as usual " I stated and he nodded in agreement .

*People pt2 ft . IU starts playing * .

"Hyung are you gonna perform this song in your solo concert ? Did you invite IU ?" I asked him . "Afcourse yes , she has to perform with me . And you also , get ready to perform Tony montana with me !" he said with a smirk .

"Aahh no no , I'm not doing it . Stop trying to persuade me , will you ?" I said and yoongi just laughed .

"Naa I'll try till the day before concert , even ARMY wanna see you performing that song " he said sulking and I just sighed . "Well , we'll see later " I said and our journey continued listening to music .

It was already four in the evening , the day really went by fast . Yoongi stopped by a playground and we got out . "Hyung lets play basketball " I said cheerfully .

"Ya are you ready to lose jimina ?" he asked smirking . I glared at him and he just laughed .

Only we both were there at such a big basketball court . He quickly passed me the ball and I started dribbling it and moving towards the basket . He blocked me on all the sides and got the ball and shot it into the basket .

"Haa as expected , from our SUGA" I said scoffing . "Jimina you are nowhere near to me in this baby " he said and I blushed at his last word . He walked away like nothing happened .



I just realized I called him baby and walked away to hide my embarrassed face . "Yaa where are you going stop , seriously you love so much winning against me ?" Jimin said sulking .

I turned to see his cute face . Him sulking in pout is the cutest . I love teasing him always since he's the cutest in my eyes . I absolutely deny saying that to him . Because he will surely tease me back .

"Jimina should hyung teach you ?" I asked him patiently for which he nodded . I taught him various techniques and corrected his postures . He seemed to play well after knowing all that .

"Jimina you should retract your fingers like this " I showed him and he seemed to struggle with that . I went and stood back of him while taking his hands to show how it was done .

His whole face turned into a tomato . I realized how close I was to him now and blushed too . I let go off his hands and coughed to cover up the embarrassment .

Things like this always happen when I'm with this guy , he's dangerous .

We played for an hour and sat at the nearby bench for some rest . "Hyung , I'll go and bring water " he said and walked away . He came back after 10 mins with water bottles in one hand .

"Jimina what took you so long ?" I asked him taking the waterbottle from him . "Here you go " he said handing over me a bag of tangerines .

I smiled at the sight of tangerines and took them from his hand and started peeling already . Tangerines are always the best . If piano is my first love , tangerines are second . I ate them and also handed over some to Jimin . Jimin was glad to see me enjoy the tangerines he bought for me . He took a selfie quickly and continued eating .

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After eating we walked around the area and he noticed a photobooth . "Hyung hyung , lets go take some pics " he said dragging me into the photobooth without giving me a chance to speak .

We quickly wore all the cute props there and started to pose for the camera . He was doing all weird poses and I did the same . "Hyung shouldn't we do something romantic for the last set ?" he asked and I agreed .

Click 1: We did a heart pose with our hands combining the broken hearts .

Click 2: We poked each other's cheeks flashing our beautiful smiles.

Click 3 : He hugged me and his face was inches close to mine which made both of us blush.

Click 4 : He was thinking of a pose for the last one while I brought his face close and pecked his cheeks .

His eyes widened at my sudden action and his face was turning into a tomato once more and I just laughed at him proudly .

"Hey hyung what was that ?" he asked still in shock . "Nothing , you only wanted it to be romantic , so I did , why , should I do something more ?" I asked him smirking and he just ran way from that place to the car .

I laughed in satisfaction at his reaction and collected the pics from the machine and walked over to the car .

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That was a cute chapter hehe . We have only 2 more chapters left , do you'll like this ff ? Do vote and comment ! Bubye , borahae ! Stream take two .

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